Friday iPhone Dump

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1. B and his furries.  Baxter and Buddy honestly spend 90% of their day resting.  The other 10% is spent barking at people / each other when they are outside or someone comes over.

2. Pinwheels are okay, but they are NOT as good as lil’ crunchies – cheddar flavor.  I tried giving him the Happy Baby Munchies with broccoli / kale / cheese and he looked at me like I was trying to kill him.  Umm, so that’s a no on those WB?

3. At school this week, one of the projects was to fill out an elf application to see if you’d qualify to be an elf at the north pole.  L got in the car and started telling me all about how he hoped he DIDN’T get picked because he didn’t want to move away, etc.  I was cracking up inside.  I assured him he would not have to leave!

4. L and I were playing outside at my mom’s house this week and WB was so excited to talk to L through the window.  I think he really just wanted to come outside and play, but it was just too cold.

5. Yesterday, L went to The Henry Ford with my parents and OMG he had so much fun.  He even got to “drive” the big Thomas.  This is a big deal if you are totally obsessed with trains like L is.

6. See, look at that display!  I can only assume that L wants something like this in our basement.  I assure you that will NOT be happening.

7.  I posted this on Instagram, but it was too funny not to post again.  Check out that wild do’ WB has going.  I have been trying to get a picture of it for ages and finally I realized that he would sit still if he was “talking” to L.

8. I catch Buddy walking through this thing more times in a day than I can count.  A light goes off and it makes music when he goes through and he just stands there like WTF?  But it does it.  Over and over again.

9. Dancing santas, musical gingerbread houses and singing snowmen are a huge hit with the boys.  And when they all get going, OMG, it’s loud.  And the boys?  They love it.  Love it.

10. L is just as obsessed with my Secret Santa as I am since (in addition to other things), he received the “L” train.  Perfect right?

11.  I am still working on a post about my SS goodies, but check out the “beauty” portion of my haul!  Can you blame me for wanting to organize my make-up instead of wrapping presents yesterday?  Can you believe all these fun goodies?  A naked pallette?  So fancy!

12. And L received a Christmas card this week with $2 in it and he thought it was OMGSOAMAZING.  He actually yelled “I can’t believe my nana sent me CASH” and then went on to ask where I thought she got the money.  Ha!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Stephanie Bradshaw

    OMG! I am dying over here!!! This week’s Friday iPhone dump is hilarious!!! They are all my favorite, but by far, number 8 had me rolling!!!!

  2. Alysia

    My daughter’s class did the elf application last week and OMG I’ve never seen her so excited! She was SURE she’d be moving to the North Pole, “just for a year, mom!” I told her we’d miss her way too much & she said she knew Santa would let all of us come with her. I actually felt bad because she was totally convinced!!

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