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As you may know, the new season of the Bachelor Pad premiered last night. And I couldn’t be more excited. Trashtastic tv at its finest! Where do they find these people? Seriously. Not in my town that’s for sure. I can’t really explain why I like this show, but I do. My thoughts on the show as a whole and everyone’s strategies are a jumbled mess (just like the show), but here are my thoughts on some of my “favorite” characters:

Ahh, Vienna. After the break up show with Jake, I was thinking she was the normal one (although I didn’t like her on the actual show). Now I think they are both nuts. I cannot believe she made such a big deal about Jake being in the house. Has she ever watched his show? How could she not expect him to her on there. Get over it. And don’t even get me started on her relationship with Kasey. Really??? Those two are a hot mess. Nice how she was yelling at him in the hot tub. I’d be surprised if these two last much longer. Oh, and Vienna, you know you are being taped. Keep your shirt on.
Well Kasey, you may have gained “30 pounds of solid muscle” but you are still the same nut job as before. He is very into protecting his girlfriend. Umm, okay. So odd. And that tattoo. Oh that stupid tattoo. He should have gotten that removed. My real problem with Kasey is his voice. I never know what in the world he’s saying. Get those rocks out of your mouth and speak more clearly! The least ABC could do is subtitle him.
Ames didn’t do anything exciting on the show last night, but I just love him. He’s so sweet and I love that he has more of a personality on Bachelor Pad than he did on The Bachelorette. He’s always smiling and never snarky and I just don’t understand how he is still single. He seemed to hit it off with Jackie and was so cute talking about her. Maybe she’s the one for him?? And yeah, my picture of Ames is bigger than everyone else’s pictures. That’s because he is my favorite!
I pretty much believe that Jake is the best actor the Bachelor has ever seen. I think the real Jake was the one who screamed at Vienna on tv and I am guessing that wasn’t the first time he yelled at her like that and that’s why she hates him so much. But he’s being very calm and acting like an apologetic saint on the show. I would bet it’s only a matter of time before he goes nuts on someone on the show.
I never thought I would see the day that Michelle Money seemed like one of the normal ones. I thought she was such a nut on Brad’s season. She’s probably thrilled she dodged that Brad bullet. But I hope she brings the crazy back soon! Crazy Michelle makes for good entertainment.
Hands down, Gia has the worst taste in men. She broke up with her boyfriend for Wes on the first Bachelor Pad and now she’s all buddy buddy with Jake? Who will she date next? Maybe Bentley??
And it seems that Blake is going to turn into quite the ladies man as the season goes on! I can’t wait to watch it all go down. Maybe that smirk will get knocked off his face? I don’t know what is going to go down on this season, but I know where I will be on my couch on Monday nights! Oh and does anyone know if the show is 3 hours every week? That seems nuts, but heck, I’m game!
Did you watch last night? What did you think of it all? And who do you want to win? I want Ella to win, because she’s got a son and a heartbreaking story. And because she doesn’t seem nuts.