Miami ~ Day 1!

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We left for Miami early on Friday morning, so the furries went to the pet resort Thursday morning, while L went to Nana and Papa’s house after dinner. Thursday night was the quietest night ever at our house. And I did not like it one bit! I don’t think just B and I have ever spent the night alone in the house. It was so weird.

B woke up nice and chipper at 5:15am on Friday while I wanted to call the whole trip off and just sleep more (I am not a morning person). But off we went to the airport. B gave me up 1st class seat, so I had an enjoyable ride down to Miami. I was 4th on the upgrade list and there were only three seats:(. B had to sit “in the back”, which is something he rarely had to do these days.

We were met at the airport by our car service(*) (and yeah he had a sign up my name on it and I loved it!), and were at the resort within 20 minutes of landing. Amazing. I wish someone in a black Suburban with tinted windows could drive me everywhere I needed to be. Our room wasn’t ready yet, so we grabbed lunch, watched the golfers (the resort we stayed at was home to the famous TPC Blue Monster) and planned our day.  We picked up our rental car and headed to South Beach.

As we were driving there, I decided we needed to do a little Jersey Shore stalking, so I suggested we have gelato at Lecca-Lecca, where the cast worked when they lived in Miami.  B was game and with the help of my iPhone we quickly found the place and parked nearby.  The place is super small (way smaller than it looked on tv) and has a tv with Jersey Shore running on it all the time.  You can also buy Lecca-Lecca t-shirts, just like the cast wore.  They had a sign up that said only paying customers could take pictures, so I went about taking pictures since we both did buy $5 cups of gelato (they were great).  The clerk told me Ronnie had been in the day before and I asked if Sammi was with him.  According to her, who I totally believe, they are DONE.

After the gelato, we headed off to find DASH in hopes of seeing a Kardashian (no such luck).  It too was super easy to find (with the help of my trusty iPhone) and there was only 1-2 other shoppers in there.  And one security guy.  We also tried to find the Jersey Shore house, but realized it was in an alley and didn’t want to look like total crazies looking for it, so we went to the beach instead.

Sadly, we didn’t see anything super crazy on South Beach.  Lots of jellyfish and seaweed though.  I guess it’s jellyfish season and the storms (hurricanes) out in the ocean are pushing them and the seaweed onto the beach way more than normal.  I was told Miami beaches are typically very clean, so this was odd for them.  After a long walk on the beach (I bet we saw 30 jellyfish), we got back to the car and headed to Ft. Lauderdale (actually Hollywood, FL) to check out the Seminole Hard Rock & Casino.  We so needed to get into some air conditioning.  It’s HOT in Miami.  We had a great time at the casino (a great time losing) and ate dinner there, which was very nice.  After dinner, we drove back to the resort, relaxed (B went to the gym), had a snack and then went to bed.  I think we were both asleep by 10:30pm, which is crazy early for me.  Although, I am also not used to getting up at 5:15am!  Stay tuned for Day 2, which includes more information about the prize I won (you could have seen me on tv on Saturday night, but I am guessing not too many people watch that channel……)

(*) All part of my prize winnings.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jen

    How fun — you are so lucky! Have you ever won anything from Woman’s Day or Coke rewards?

  2. Cindy

    What a fun way to spend your anniversary!! I would have totally stalked DASH…so funny only a couple people there. Happy (Belated) Anniversary — seems like you were just in Cabo to me!

  3. Kristen

    Eeek! I was just around the corner from you! I am in Fort Lauderdale! Glad you had a nice time!!

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