Random Ramblings

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Lots of bits and pieces….

  • I am so upset that Kristin Cavallari got the boot from Dancing with the Stars last night.  WTF??  I wanted her to win!  I usually don’t care too too much about reality show outcomes, but this one has me upset!  In other news though, it appears that her and Jay Cutler are back on, so that’ll keep her busy.  Maybe she’ll be in Detroit next week for Monday Night Football??
  • I was very sad to hear about Steve Job’s passing today.  He was a genius.  A total genius.  I use his technology every day.  Between my iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, he is part of my life everyday.  I will never forget the day I got my first iPod – a silver mini.  I thought that thing was the COOLEST.  And it was at the time. What did we even use before iPods?  A Walkman or portable CD player (those things worked great when you ran with it – NOT)?  So old school.  RIP Steve Jobs.  And thank you!
  • I have been staying up late watching the Tigers – Yankees games and I am exhausted.  Can’t they start these games at 7:30pm instead of 8:30pm?  The other night, L woke up while B and I were watching the game in bed and he joined us to watch the last few innings.  I have to say, I did enjoy that unexpected time with L!
  • L already has 3 Halloween costumes (including the super cute Sully costume below), but I need another costume for him to wear this weekend.  It’s supposed to be hot out and I can’t let him run around in a huge furry costume.
  • There are so many “in-home” party companies these days I can hardly keep up. Thirty-One, Lia Sophia, Stella & Dot, Cabi, Silpada, Tupperware, PartyLight, Pampered Chef…  The list goes on and on.  I don’t even know how people have time to attend all these parties?  I certainly don’t.  Nor do I want to.  In-home parties are not my thing.  Unless there is lots of wine.
What are you thinking about this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Amanda

    I am beyond sick of the in-home businesses. I feel like every one of my friends is trying to pimp me something. And I hate those damn parties. I don’t mind taking a catalog and ordering something if I want to, but as soon as I go to a party I feel obligated to buy something, regardless of whether I want to or not.

    (That said, I would really like to find someone who sells Scentsy. Of course, by now, everyone’s moved on to Thirty-One and jewlery.)

    1. Jennifer

      I actually know someone who sells Scentsy.

  2. Dani

    I feel the same way about those parties. Unfortunately I got invited to one by a neighbor and I feel I should be neighborly and go. Grrr.

  3. gelique malonzo

    im sorry I was searching for a monster inc costume and that wonderful kids picture suddenly stood out, would you still know where I could get exactly the same thing? appreciate it much. Thanks

  4. Amber Perryman

    where did you purchase the sully Halloween costume, i cant find this anywhere. please help………..

  5. Donut

    can you please tell us where you got the sully onesie from

    1. Jennifer

      The costume? That is a really old one from The Disney Store. It’s got to be at least 15 years old??

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