2011 Recap

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Well, it appears that all the other bloggers are doing a 2011 recap, so I suppose I will too! Here’s a summary of our year:

-B spent just about 25% of the year traveling (I’d guess around 100 nights were spent in a hotel room), both overseas and here in the states. I believe he racked up just shy of 100,000 Delta miles. He visited Germany, Kuwait, Italy, Texas (home of his “other family” ;), Reno (*), Georgia and who knows where else. I used to know exactly where he was at all times, where is he staying, what times his flights were, etc. Now? Not even close. If I need to know, I just look it up online. Oh, he also went on a boys only trip to Chicago to attend Lollapalooza (at my suggestion).
-L turned 3 and we celebrated in style by going on a Disney cruise / trip to DisneyWorld! I only booked a few months in advance, so it was rather last minute, but you only live once and we had an amazing time! And, if you are counting, that was have been L’s 3rd trip to DisneyWorld.
-I started this blog back in February / March and have been having so much fun with it! And thank you all for reading! I am going to have a “My Favorite Things” giveaway after the new year, so stay tuned.
-B and I went on a trip to Vegas in March and stayed at the fabulous Cosmopolitan. We lost big time, but still loved every minute of our fancy (but free) hotel room! We also took a family trip (including my parents and brother and SIL) to Vegas in November and had an equally amazing time. And didn’t even lose as much ;). And luckily, L loves Vegas just as much (maybe even more) than B and I (and the rest of my family) do.  For those keeping track, that was L’s 2nd trip to Vegas.
-Thanks to some SpongeBob stickers and a fun chart, L was potty trained in less than 1 day. Sure he could have been potty trained sooner, but it likely would not have gone as smoothly.
-I started taking yoga and loved it. And I never quite made it to Body Pump, but I will eventually. B ran in the Warrior Dash, and I kind of sort of told him I would run with him next year. Never mind that I dislike getting muddy. And running for that matter.
-I’m still entering contests, but haven’t won anything too amazing lately. The trip to Miami was by far my best win of the year. And it also showed me that I will never ever move to Miami. It’s just a tad humid there ;). Sort of like living in a sauna. I also won a lot of fun make-up and other goodies this year, so that was awesome! I can’t wait to see what prizes the new year brings.
-We also went on a few trips up-north, which remains one of L’s favorite places. And since I don’t have an exciting social life anymore, up-north isn’t as bad as it used to be. Plus, we have wireless internet and cable up there, so that totally helps. A mall / Target would help more though!
-L, B and I did some fun projects, including making Kool-Aid Playdoh, Melted Crayon Art 1 and Melted Crayon Art 2. I also made an ornament wreath, which I am still pretty darn proud of!
-We also did some organizing, including the ever messy junk drawer and the “catch all” cabinets. And I am pleased to report, they all have remained as organized as when the pictures were taken!  I am tackling the fridge in 2012, thanks to the new organizers I got for Christmas!
-And finally, we can’t forget about my million trips to Target for clearance items and other miscellaneous crap!  Oh how I love that place!  And please let it be 70% off here tomorrow!!!

Sure, lots more happened during the year, good and bad, but overall we had a fabulous year! And we are even more excited for 2012.  So tell me, how was your year?  And do you have any amazing plans for the new year?



(*) B lost his fancy Tag watch in Reno. This would be one of his more expensive trips ;). Although, we do have amazing insurance and got it replaced very quickly.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. karen

    I guess the “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” dosen’t work for Reno. Am excited to read about the coming year on your blog. Happy New Year.

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