No Sew Curtains: A DIY Project

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So like I mentioned a while back in my Nursery Ideas Board post that I was going to attempt no sew curtains. A friend of mine actually suggested it to me and said it was pretty easy so I thought I would give it a chance too. I sort of followed the instructions from this blog. But sort of, I mean, I read the post twice and then just went for it.

Supplies Needed:

Fabric. I ordered fabric from Caden Lane because I wanted it to match the crib bedding, but I am sure you could get a way better deal at Joann’s or somewhere like that. Based on the measurements of my window and some online calculator (and B), I ordered a total of six yards. I probably have a yard or so left over, but I am glad I didn’t order any less.
. I got some fabric scissors which were like $4, but I am sure any scissors would work just fine.
Tape Measure: I used just a random tape measure we have here. Nothing fancy.
Iron On Adhesive: I used Heat’n Bond Ultra Hold and I was totally happy. It worked perfect.


1. I spread out the fabric in the hallway so I could see how much I had. When I had a rough idea of the length I wanted to cut, I just went for it. L helped me by holding the tape measure. I cut the fabric into two fairly equal pieces and had some left over.

2. The first curtain was the hardest. I seriously broke a sweat trying to figure out what to do. I was super worried about getting everything perfectly straight. I ended up getting it as close to straight as I could and started taping. It’s pretty much just put tape on. Iron to get tape to stick. Peel off tape backing. Fold fabric over tape. And iron again.

3. After I finished the top of the curtain, I hung it up just to see how much length I had left at the bottom to figure out how much more I needed to cut, etc.

4. Once curtain #1 was done, curtain #2 was a breeze. I used curtain #1 as the template and just laid curtain #2 right on top and make it exactly the same size.

5. I think you are supposed to iron the fabric before you start, but mine wasn’t that wrinkled or creased or anything, so I just ironed it when I was all finished. There was NO WAY I was ironing it twice. No way.

6. Then I just hung them up and was done! I need to get blinds or shades or something still for the inside of the window, because clearly these aren’t going to black a lot any light!

Basically I am super pleased with how the curtains turned out, but I should also note that it wasn’t that easy! It was actually more time consuming than it was difficult. It takes longer than you would think to iron tape onto fabric. I did finish in one day, but I would guess it took around 4 hours overall? That does include the time I spent just staring at the fabric. It’s possible that it just took me longer because I am clueless when it comes to ironing too!! I would do the project again in a second if I couldn’t find curtains I liked (which was the case here). It for sure wasn’t a money saver for me (due to the cost of the fabric). But I should note, that I happily would have paid double if Caden Lane sold curtains, so maybe I did save some cash??

I think I covered everything, but if you have any questions, let me know. Have you ever done a No-Sew DIY project? Please share!

I ordered a total of 6 yards of fabric. I have to admit, it was a little overwhelming to have all that fabric just looking at me. I over estimated the length of fabric I needed and just started making cuts.
The tape said that I should pre-wash the fabric, but I didn't want it to fray. I read the instructions on the tape package, but I still managed to do put the tape upside down the first time. Oops.
The ironing board just wasn't cutting it for me, so I moved to the floor. Much better. Much much better.
I think my "seams" turned out pretty well. I don't think I have used an iron in over 6 years (since before I met B), so I am super proud.
These clips are genius!
I need to get some stuff on the walls, but it's looking good!
A closer view.
I went for longer than floor length on purpose because I feared cutting them too short and them not being even, etc.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. karen

    Very nice. Those little curtain clips make it so easy.

  2. Alysia George

    They came out great! I’ve made curtains before (also because I couldn’t find any I liked), but I went with the more difficult route of actually sewing them. This looks like an easier idea, I’d definitely give it a try! Or maybe a table cloth…that would work too.

  3. Amanda

    Wait…does this mean that B does his own ironing?

    1. Jennifer

      Of course he does! Or the dry cleaner does. He used to have to iron his uniforms so he’s pretty good. He’ll iron for me and Lucas when we need it too.

  4. Runjen

    where did you get the curtain clips? I think I’m going to try this in Ks room!

    1. Jennifer

      Bed, Bath and Beyond. I used two packs. I think there were seven in a pack??

  5. Jess

    It looks great, Jen!

  6. Cindy

    Your “nesting” is exhausting me…the organizing, the bargain shopping, the pom poms, and now this!!?? Looks good! (Don’t forget the blinds so baby doesn’t get his days/nights mixed up 😉

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