Trip Review: Las Vegas – Part 3!

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We slept in until past 7am on our last full day in Vegas, which was great!

After I did some yoga (cough, cough) in my new lulu gear (and nasty green hair), we walked across the street to the Daily Planet at Planet Hollywood to have breakfast.  We stayed there in the past and knew they had a good breakfast place.  Plus, we wanted to donate some money to a different casino.
Don’t my pancakes look yummy??  And yeah, I paired up a Diet Coke with pancakes.  It could have been worse.  I mean, I could have had a rum and diet or something??  I have fond memories of eating breakfast at 4am in the Daily Planet with Lucas back when he was a baby and we went to Vegas with my entire family for Christmas.  Somehow I had overlooked the fact that babies do not understand the time change and still go to bed at their normal time and get up at their normal time.  7am EST = 4am Vegas time.  Lucas loved their yogurt and we were thankful the restaurant was open 24 hours!
Once again, we spent the day at the pool, drinking $13 daiquiris and mojitos.  After a few drinks, the price seemed more than reasonable.  Oh, and what do you think of Bryan’s trunks?  I for sure like them, but it seems like the jury is still out?  He likes to keep up with the latest trends.  His style has changed so much from the farmboy I met at the bar that night!
After the pool, we wandered over to the shops at Aria where we realized we were out of our league.  Although, I am curious if anyone knows anything about high-end mens shoes?  Do they repair them for free?  My husband goes through at least 1 or 2 pairs of dress shoes per year, which adds up.  Would a pair of, say Gucci shoes, last 5 years?  I never thought I would suggest that Gucci shoes could save us money, but it seems like it’s a possibility.

After Aria, we hit up the less expensive Miracle Mile Shops at PH and I scored at the clearance racks at GAP kids.  So many great things on sale!  I’m not sure that Lucas was too thrilled when I showed him that his gifts from Vegas consisted of t-shirts, a hoodie and running pants, but I know I was pleased to get such a good deal!  I’m not sure why I think shopping is a good alternative to gambling??

After shopping, we went and checked out the gardens at the Bellagio, which are always so beautiful.  I was hoping it would be decorated for Easter, but I guess they just do spring?  Still, it did not disappoint.  We won a bit of our money back at the Bellagio too, so it was a good visit!

We debated for a bit about where to have dinner, but finally settled on the Wicked Spoon Buffet at the Cosmopolitan.  It was delicious and we left stuffed!
We had an early flight the next day, so we hit the gym and then went back to our room and enjoyed more of the fountains!  The show is more frequent on the weekends, so we got to see them plenty of times!  No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I still watch them all.

Our flight left Vegas super early, so we were up and in the casino / lobby / taxi line by 4am.  And the Cosmopolitan was a scene!  I think it was the most crowded I had seen the place in the 3 days we had been there.  I guess their nightclub (Marquee) is the hottest thing around and judging by the crowd, I believe it.  The taxi line was crazy and Bryan and I were cracking up at all the drunks.  Half of the girls had their shoes off, which made me want to vomit.  Nasty!!!

We were lucky enough to both get upgraded to first class on the way home, which was great.  I love me some first class (but only when I get to be with B) and liked the extra room, extra attention and yummy (it really was good) food.  Oh, and the free drinks ;).

We couldn’t have asked for a better time in Vegas and are already looking forward to going back.  I swear, every trip to Vegas is like a new trip.  You never have to go to any of the same places again unless you want too.  There are just so many different options.

Tell me, what do you like best about Vegas?? What are your favorite spots??

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Shannon

    hubba hubba hubby! Tell B the trunks are a definite DO!

    1. Jennifer

      He will be happy to hear that!!

  2. Amanda

    Now, you know I’m a Bryan fan, but I’m on the fence about the trunks. He looks good in them, for sure, but they’re a little too Speedo-like for my taste. (Because I know you and Bryan value my opinion so much, lol.)

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! We totally value your opinion! Who wouldn’t????

  3. tiffany

    Those trunks? Burn them. 😉
    I always love reading about your adventures!

    1. Jennifer


  4. Corin

    I like *everything* about Vegas!!!

    1. Jennifer

      Seriously, what’s not to like about Vegas??

  5. Brian

    I think Bryan is trying to start a trend with those shorts. Shameless.

    1. Jennifer

      Oh he totally is! Are you seeing any where you are?

  6. Timm

    No, expensive shoes do not come with free repair. I usually buy two new pairs a year and they run between 300-400. Shoes taken a beating and they need to be replaced, no matter their costs

    1. Jennifer

      What kind do you buy???

      1. Timm

        I used to get them from Bachrach … But they haven’t had them recently. Recently, D.J. Pliner and some from Nordstrom

  7. Kelly

    Your Vegas vacation looked like fun! I need to get me some of that lululemon. Where do you like to buy iy online and how is the sizing?

  8. ERYNN

    FIRST! I love your new lulu gear! I just bought that jacket and it’s my new fav. You look GREAT!

    SECOND, B rocked the shorts but I would NEVER let A and his chicken legs go out in public wearing them.. especially VEGAS!

  9. erynn

    ps: I want to join you in Vegas next time! Still waiting for a redo of what was supposed to go down last September!

    1. Jennifer

      Yes! B and A can have a hottest shorts contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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