Pinterest To-Do’s!

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I have been busy pinning away and wanted to share a few of my current favorite To-Dos!

Tissue Paper Wreath

Okay, this one has me totally intrigued. Will I really be able to get my wreath to look like this? It seems easy enough, but you know how that goes. The easier the project looks, the harder it is. Still, I LOVE this wreath and might just give it a try. You know what would make a project like this more fun? A glassbottle of wine. Soon enough, soon enough!

Quiet Time Bins

Although nap time is a thing of the past around here (although sometimes I still like to pretend it’s going to happen), I still think that some quiet time is important during the day (for me and for L). I love the idea of these bins. A few quiet projects, puzzles, books, etc. that L hasn’t seen in a few weeks would be perfect to keep him busy for some quiet time.

DIY Puffy Paint

I am super excited about making DIY puffy paint. I love art projects and this is one I know L will love. And what’s not to love? You get to mix things, paint with bright colors and then zap in the microwave? Fabulous. Seeing what L paints will be the best part of it all though. He is getting so creative!

Bathroom Mirror Revamp

This is one project that could be more of a B project than a me project. I have been wanting to do something about the mirrors in the master bath. They are just plain and BORING. I don’t necessarily want that middle shelf part in the mirror, but I for sure want to do something like this.  It looks AMAZING.

Beginners Guide to Photoshop

I cannot wait to give this a try. I have Photoshop, but can barely figure out how to crop a picture in it. This could be a quiet time project for me while L works on a quiet time bin. I cannot wait!!!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Diane L

    I saw that wreath today on Pinterest and thought of you..LOL!

  2. Jenny

    Love them all, especially the wreath. John has stopped napping at home (still naps at school) too, sigh. He did fall asleep on the couch at 7 tonight though, so I could go with the earlier bed time (before it’s been a struggle to get him down before 9).

  3. Stacey

    Great pins. I often do tissue paper letters, etc. with my kindergarteners. It takes FOREVER. You’re not a kindergartener, but just make sure your wreath size isn’t gigantic! Very tedious.

    Jon bought the exact stain of our cabinets from the cabinet company people and is planning on cutting and staining molding to then glue around our mirror (without the framing, mirrors are looking outdated, don?t you think?!).

    1. Jennifer

      I totally agree. Plain mirrors are dated! I cannot wait to do something with ours!

      And how about you get those kids to work on this wreath for me????

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