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Ever since I saw this wreath on Pinterest, I knew I had to make one. Luckily my mom wanted to make one too and went out and got all the supplies we needed. Want to make one? This is what you will need:
-An 18″ Straw Wreath $4.99. My mom had trouble finding two of these and ended up going to a bunch of different Joann Fabrics’ and Michaels’ and only finding one before finding a second one at Hobby Lobby (they had a ton).
-Plastic Easter Eggs. We used 8 packs of 12. I believe they were around $1.20 a bag? That was the sale price. So figure around $9 for eggs. We bought the shimmery kind, so they cost a little more.
-A bag of Easter Egg Grass. Target – $0.49.
-Got glue gun / glue sticks. I am going to just assume everyone has one of these. If not, you should.
So basically each wreath was around $15. Not bad at all! It could have been cheaper had we used non-shimmery eggs or gotten some on clearance after Easter, but whatever.
Of course, I forgot to take pictures of most of the steps. Oops. But you can do with without pictures. Trust me!
Step One: Glue all eggs onto the wreath. I started on the inside and just made my way around the circle alternating colors. Then I did the next layer up and so on. I put the eggs in different directions, etc. It looked really bad until I had all the eggs on the wreath. I will admit, I was a tad worried this project was going to end badly.
Step 2: This is the pain in the butt part. I put glue in the spaces between the eggs where you could see the straw and stuck grass in there with a pencil eraser. I kind of folded up the grass before I glued it so that I got more coverage. Again I went in a circle and just filled in where I saw straw. After I got all the grass attached, I went around and cut off any grass I thought was too long.
Step 3: Attach a small piece of ribbon. I put mine really close to the top so you can’t even tell what it is hanging from. I just hot glued it on and two minutes later, it was on my door!!
I’d say the project took a few hours. But it wasn’t hard at all. Plus, I think it looks way better than the store bought wreaths! If you make one, be sure to send me pictures! I would love to post them!! Happy crafting!