It’s Time for Another Poll…..

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So I have been wondering this a lot lately. What do your kid’s friends call you? Mr. and Mrs. Last Name? Or just by your first name? L is to the point where he’s going to have to start calling his friends parents by a name (instead of just so and so’s mom or so and so’s dad) and I am just not sure how he should address them.

I totally don’t mind if kids (L’s friends or any kids actually) call me by my first name. I prefer it actually. I really don’t think they’d respect me more if I made them call me Mrs. Last Name. But I know other people totally care what they are called. Don’t get me wrong, I still call some of my friend’s parents Mr and Mrs. so and so. I think it’s just a force of habit though!

So please, answer this poll so I know what kids these days are doing???

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Bryan

    One of the kids in our neighborhood calls me Mr. Bryan, I am okay with that.

    1. Jennifer

      I am not even sure the kids in the neighborhood know our last names? I certainly don’t know theirs. I’m cool with them calling me Ms. Jennifer.

  2. Katie

    I guess I’d suggest Mr and Mrs until the parents tell you otherwise? I don’t know, it sounds so formal! Kids call me by my first name, but I’m not a parent. I don’t think I’ve ever called my friend’s parents Mr and Mrs. I wonder if the trend is any different here in Sydney to where you are.

  3. Cindy

    Some compromise and say Mrs. Jennifer…FYI… Let me also say that as they get older you don’t want them to think they are your friend….the respect becomes more important, IMO…

  4. Alysia George

    I have to say it’s definitely mixed. The kids whose parents I’m friends with are more likely to call me by my first name. I don’t really care either way. If they call me by my first name it’s usually “Miss Alysia”. But that’s not because I tell them to do that, they just do it on their own.

  5. Shannon Dew

    I’ve always called my friends parents by their first names. My mom always hated being Mrs. XXXXX bc it made her feel old! I think the “trend” is Mrs. First Name {instead of last}. I’m totally fine w/first name only though.

  6. Kelly

    We do the……. Mrs/ Mr and the first name. That seems to be the normal with all our friends too.

  7. karen

    Around here it was and is usually mrs but the close friends still call me mom.

  8. Brian h

    This could turn in to a fun post…….

    What did you call your friends moms…….behind their back?

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! I don’t think I called them anything bad???

  9. janetta

    My children call people by there first name with mr or ms first. like they would call you ms jennifer. we see it as a sign of respect and if said person would rather be called by there first name my children are allowed to do as such

  10. stacey pawlak

    As a teacher, I’m use to being called Mrs. Pawlak all day long. Doesn’t seem weird. To a certain piont, it’s about respect. I addresed our Nanny earlier this year as Miss Diane. That seemed fair. My good freinds have their kids call me Aunt Stacey, so that gets around the weird concept. I like Miss. Mr. Mrs…but maybe with the first name???!!!

    1. Jennifer

      I’m good with Mrs. Jennifer!

  11. melanee

    my friends kids actually call me miss melanee and my kids do the same thing

  12. Jess

    We do the Mr/Mrs 1st name as well.. it shows respect without being too formal 🙂

  13. Wendy

    My first name. I teach the kids to call anyone of authority or anyone that is older than me Mr or Mrs but it is too weird to me to have them speak so formally to my friends. Maybe when they are older.

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