Top Ten Thing People Say When They See A Newborn

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Oh why oh why do you have to ask me all these dumb questions? Didn’t your mom ever tell you not to talk to strangers??

  1. What’s is its name?  W.
  2. Is it a boy or a girl?  Umm, see above.
  3. How old is he? 9 weeks.
  4. Ohh, he looks so big for his age.  Umm, okay. (or)
  5. He’ so little, he needs to eat more!  If you say so.
  6. My aunts sister’s kid’s brother’s nephew has a baby that age and he’s so much bigger / smaller.  That’s nice.  I have a dog.
  7. Do you breastfeed?  No.
  8. Ohh, so that’s why he’s so much bigger / smaller than my cousin’s step-sisters uncle’s wife’s kid?  Yep, that’s probably it.
  9. He’s so alert.  Yeah, usually when he’s not sleeping he has his eyes open.
  10. My aunt’s sister’s in-law’s step-daughter’s baby could (insert thing no 9 week old can do) by now.  Oh, that’s nice. I actually have two dogs.

I’m pretty sure you get the idea where I am going with this.  I’m not sure why strangers find people with newborns exciting to talk to, but I can assure you I am neither exciting nor friendly when I am trying to run errands.  And really, do you think my 4 year old likes to stand there nicely as you pepper me with questions that are none of your business anyways??  I think not. So stop. And if my kids both just happen to be quiet at the same time, I for sure do NOT want to talk. I just want to grocery shop and enjoy the quiet.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. lori

    As long as they don’t say “wow, you must be so proud!” Because that is code for “Wow! That’s such an ugly baby I don’t even know what to say.”

    1. Jennifer

      Or “Was this planned?”.

  2. Farra

    I love the saying “pepper me with questions”

  3. Brian h

    11. No I don’t want to hold it.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! That’s why I don’t even ask you. I just hand him over and run.

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