Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~L is home!! I know he loves it up there, but I certainly love having him home with us as well. And not to worry, the next trip up-north is already being planned.

He's Home!
He’s Home!

~It seems you guys are all loving the August Giveaways and I am loving that you are loving them!

~It’s been gorgeous these past few days here and it’s going to stay that way for the next few days. Sunny skies, high 70’s, I love it.

~BREAKING BAD is back on tomorrow. My level of excitement to see Walt and Jessie on my tv again is unreal. So.excited.  Please please please tell me you all watch so we can discuss this next week??

The Best
The Best

~I don’t know what it’s going to be, but we are doing something FUN this weekend.  It won’t be today because we are hoping to get some dirt delivered (wild right?),  but Sunday and Monday?  It’s ON.  I have some ideas I am tossing around, but nothing final.

~WB and I got some errands out of the way yesterday, which included returning bottles / cans at the grocery store.  While I find this task revolting (*) I am smiling because it’s over and they aren’t in my garage anymore.

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?

(*) It was extra revolting yesterday and involved WB and I just leaving half a bag of bottles unreturned.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Alicia

    I didn’t think I would like the smaller, more frequent giveaways but I’m finding that I do like the idea afterall! Sometimes there are things in your giveaway that I wouldn’t want but I know others would, so I think it’s great to be able to pick and choose :).

  2. Tabitha

    Love Breaking Bad! We got in on the show after hearing about it from a co-worker and catching up during a marathon on AMC. Ever since that, we were hooked. Can’t wait for tomorrow night…although I’ll have to wait until Monday night to actually watch it since the hubby will be working.

  3. Pilar

    Too bad I don’t watch Breaking Bad it sounds like a great show!

  4. Julie Baldock

    I’m so excited to see Heisenberg again too!! He’s the one who knocks!!!

  5. Shelley

    Love love love breaking bad. I don’t have cable though so I have to download on Amazon on Mondays which sucks but I don’t care. Last year a local theater showed them and we went in a big group. It was so much fun but made for a late Sunday. A & E sent cease and desist letters to all theaters doing it though so no massive screen or watching as it airs for me. 🙁

  6. Crystal D

    I LOVE Breaking Bad!!! When I text to people about it I sometimes call it BB it gets confusing to my friends that watch Big Brother haha. Also, as far as your cans and bottles go, do you rinse out each can and bottle before you throw it in the bag? I used to collect cans and never rinsed them out and they would get SOOOOOOO nasty, then I started rinsing them with water and throwing them in the bag and its SOOOOO much better. They dont get smelly like they used to.

  7. Mrs. L

    I went on a food tour of the downtown area of Sacramento and it was amazing! Nice to try the best food at each place (we even did some wine tasting). Makes me want to do food tours of all major cities.

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