July Citrus Lane Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

My highly anticipated Citrus Lane monthly subscription box finally arrived yesterday and I couldn’t wait to open it. Seriously. Get out of the way kids. Mama has to open the mail!  Like everyone else, I wondered if the box was going to be worth it. I mean, would I (well W), actually use the stuff?  Would it be worth the $25/month?  Well I am pleased to say, yes and yes!  Since W and L were born in the same season and are both boys (duh), W will be wearing hand me downs for the rest of his life, playing with hand me down toys, etc.  That’s one of the reasons he needs this.  Another reason?  Because I like getting “presents” in the mail.  And it’s fun to try new things!  Here’s what was in July’s box (which was themed “Bon Voyage”):

~Tiny Love Harry Hippo Stroller Toy ($7.99).  Oddly, we have tons of Tiny Love toys, but don’t have the Hippo!  And I can assure you he will get plenty of use out of this.  Plenty!
~Chewbeads Bangle ($14.50): I had never heard of this before.  I knew that they had necklaces that moms wore that served as teething toys for babies, but never bracelets.  I cannot wait to try this with W.  He’s been gnawing on his hands like crazy and I always forget teething toys (good mom huh?), so this is awesome.
~California Baby Travel Set ($7.50):  We had been using Kiehl’s baby products on W, but I guess they are reformulating them, so we haven’t been able to find them lately.  I bought some California Baby at BuyBuyBaby a few weeks ago and we’ve been loving it so far.  These mini travel sizes are for sure going to be used this summer.  Between up-north and other trips, these will serve us well!
~On-the-Go Baby Laundry Detergent ($1.99/each): I could have used these during a recent trip up-north when W had a bit of a blow out (and I’m not talking he had his hair done).  Of course I rinsed it out, but would have loved to be able to wash it and use it the rest of our trip.  With these I won’t have that issue anymore!  SCORE!
~Me4Kidz Diaper Bag Buddy ($5.95): I have seen these and loved them, but never ended up buying one for one reason or another.  I threw this in my diaper bag as soon as I got it.  Sometimes you just need someone to put all the essentials into a cute little kit for you.  I would have thrown them in a ziploc bag and that would just not have worked.  This?  Perfect.
~Sincerely, Inc. – 10 Free Postagrams ($10.00): I did not understand what this was at first, but now I think it’s the coolest idea ever.  Basically it turns Instagram pictures into postcards and sends them out for you.  All from your smart phone (or computer).  How cool is that?  Personalized vacation postcards.  Right from your phone.  I cannot wait to try this.  The problem is that I will want all these postcards for myself.  Hmm.  Nothing wrong with sending yourself mail is there?

All totaled, the box was valued at $49.92.  And I will be using every single thing.  I think I mentioned this before, but the box is tailored towards your kid’s age.  My 3-month old got different things than your 9-month old or 2 year old would.  I am already SO excited for next month!!  My rating on this would be a 10 out of 10.




*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Citrus Lane paid me nothing for this review. All opinions are my own. Although, I can be bought. I kid, I kid. ;).  Also, there are less than 50 Pop Sugar Must Have bags left.  Order now.  And I just read that if you HATE the bag, it’ll be free!!!  Nothing to lose here people!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Dana

    I’m so jealous!! I want one and I don’t even have a baby! I should just bite the bullet and order one for Z.

    1. Jennifer

      You should!!!! Or get her the Kiwi Crate?? I am considering that for L!

  2. April

    Looks awesome! I would totally want to send the postcards to myself, too. Haha!

  3. Aimee

    I ordered a 3 month subsciption for kelsey… u have me hooked!

    1. Jennifer

      I am SO hooked on these too!! I cannot stop!

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