Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
~I “wore” W for the first time ever over the weekend. We have a Chicco carrier and I am not a huge fan. B has used it more than I have, but I just feel like it’s so bulky. And not “right” somehow. I see the appeal of “baby wearing”, so I need some recommendations on carriers / wraps. What do you use?
~Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I updated the For Sale tab. I will be adding new items all the time, so be sure to check it out every so often. I’m still working on the Favorite Things tab.
~I had between debating between ordering a monthly subscription to Kiwi Crate or BabbaBox. I was just about to order Kiwi Crate when I got an e-mail from BabbaBox with a discount code for a free trial box. Enter “TRIALSMSBOX” at checkout when you sign up for a membership (you a cancel at anytime – even after you get the first box) and you’ll only pay $2.99 shipping and handling. If you hate it, cancel. $2.99 to try it out for a month? I’m so in.

~I drove to two Targets yesterday (with my boys in tow) in search of this skirt. A few of my girls have been talking about it and I saw someone wearing it at the Warrior Dash and now I NEED this skirt. The problem is that it’s been out for weeks and weeks and is basically sold out everywhere. And now I want it even more.
~Does anyone have the wireless U-verse Cable Box? B wants to get one so that we can watch tv on the patio if we want to. While I see them advertised on tv all the time, I don’t know of anyone who actually has one. Does it work? Does it lose the signal?
~I am sad that Paul and Adrienne from RHOBH are separating. I always liked them. Does any marriage survive a reality show? I mean really? Ozzy and Sharon did it, so I suppose it can be done, but odds seem to be against you.
~I know you aren’t supposed to compare your kids (but I am pretty sure everyone does), but L was such a better eater than W. So much better. But W is such a better napper than L ever was. L used to take cat naps. Like he’d take 10 30 minute cap naps a day. That’s kind of annoying. W sleeps for hours. One thing they have in common is how stinkin cute they both are though.
~And yes, I am still eating clean. I mean, I’m in so deep, why not continue? Grocery shopping is much easier. I have to admit, I do miss Diet Pepsi though. All I drink now is water. That’s it. Just water. BORING!
Thanks for the coupon code – I have not heard of Babbabox, but for $2.99 figured why not!!