Random Ramblings

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~I “wore” W for the first time ever over the weekend. We have a Chicco carrier and I am not a huge fan. B has used it more than I have, but I just feel like it’s so bulky. And not “right” somehow. I see the appeal of “baby wearing”, so I need some recommendations on carriers / wraps. What do you use?

~Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I updated the For Sale tab. I will be adding new items all the time, so be sure to check it out every so often.   I’m still working on the Favorite Things tab.

~I had between debating between ordering a monthly subscription to Kiwi Crate or BabbaBox. I was just about to order Kiwi Crate when I got an e-mail from BabbaBox with a discount code for a free trial box. Enter “TRIALSMSBOX” at checkout when you sign up for a membership (you a cancel at anytime – even after you get the first box) and you’ll only pay $2.99 shipping and handling. If you hate it, cancel.  $2.99 to try it out for a month?  I’m so in.

stolen from: Babbaco.com

~I drove to two Targets yesterday (with my boys in tow) in search of this skirt. A few of my girls have been talking about it and I saw someone wearing it at the Warrior Dash and now I NEED this skirt. The problem is that it’s been out for weeks and weeks and is basically sold out everywhere. And now I want it even more.

stolen from: target.com

~Does anyone have the wireless U-verse Cable Box? B wants to get one so that we can watch tv on the patio if we want to. While I see them advertised on tv all the time, I don’t know of anyone who actually has one. Does it work? Does it lose the signal?

~I am sad that Paul and Adrienne from RHOBH are separating. I always liked them. Does any marriage survive a reality show? I mean really? Ozzy and Sharon did it, so I suppose it can be done, but odds seem to be against you.

~I know you aren’t supposed to compare your kids (but I am pretty sure everyone does), but L was such a better eater than W. So much better. But W is such a better napper than L ever was. L used to take cat naps. Like he’d take 10 30 minute cap naps a day. That’s kind of annoying. W sleeps for hours. One thing they have in common is how stinkin cute they both are though.

~And yes, I am still eating clean.  I mean, I’m in so deep, why not continue?  Grocery shopping is much easier.  I have to admit, I do miss Diet Pepsi though.  All I drink now is water.  That’s it.  Just water.  BORING!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Amy

    Thanks for the coupon code – I have not heard of Babbabox, but for $2.99 figured why not!!

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