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I mentioned the other day that I made paint filled balloons and I got a request to share more information. So here we go. Like all my other great ideas, it was stolen from Pinterest. From here to be exact.

The stuff needed for this project is pretty standard. Cornstarch, water & food coloring to make the paint and balloons (duh). The squeeze bottles were used to mix the paint and to get it in the balloons.

I didn’t take any pictures of the actual making of the paint because it was a mess (as expected). To make the paint, you use equal parts water and cornstarch and add food coloring. I didn’t measure because that would be too much workand I needed to save my strength to blow up balloons. I’ve probably mentioned it here before, but I have the lung capacity of a life long smoker. I cannot blow up balloons. Or blow out candles. Or any of that. But somehow I managed. We made various sizes and squeezed the paint mixture in quickly and tied the balloons.

And then the fun started. I used regular balloons (not water balloons) because I thought it would be more fun if they were harder to break.
In reality, this just meant that B threw the balloons super hard so they’d break and get L all covered in paint, but L couldn’t break them on B. Hmm, next time I think I will use water balloons so this is a fair fight.
L thought this was way fun. I hope one day he realizes just how good he had it when he was a kid! Actually he likely won’t remember any of it. Luckily he’ll have this blog to remind him ;).
And not only is cornstarch paint fun, it’s easy to wash off. Both off kids and the driveway. Super easy. I cannot wait to try this again. Only this time with more (but smaller) balloons. And more paint in the balloons. I know I said before I was tired of summer, but projects like these make me want summer to last all year!