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If you’ve been following me on Instagram (and you should), you’ll know we had a very fun weekend around here.
On Friday, L and B went tent camping (check it off the summer to-do list) in the backyard. OMG, Lucas thought this was the coolest thing ever. And it was. WB and I joined the big boys out there for a bit and read a few books, but we didn’t sleep in the tent. Like any good campers, the boys had fully charged iPads a more snacks than you could ever imagine. L had the time of his life. I thought for sure they would be in the house by midnight. It was COLD out. But nope. They turned their iPads off at 10pm and fell asleep. They came in the house at 5am to use the bathroom and then headed back outside till 7:30am! How awesome is that? I cannot even tell you how proud of L I was. I know he had an amazing time with his Daddy. And me, I slept in my bed. alone. No dogs. No B. This has not happened in years. Probably since we lived in the condo at least? Crazy.

Saturday we got up early and headed to IKEA. There will be an entire post on that later today, but let’s just say I cleaned up. And almost had to buy a bigger car to carry my stuff home.
We spent the rest of Saturday assembling furniture, B cut the grass, I ran to the store, etc. Nothing special. Just a nice relaxing family day!
L went to his final swim class on Sunday (after skipping 3 weeks in a row) and then we set out to the county fair. We are sad there isn’t a State Fair in Michigan anymore, so the local’ish county fair was the next best bet. The fair was great. They had an exotic (well more exotic than cows and horses) animal section this year and L got to ride a camel. And see fancy birds up close. And of course, we won some fair fish. I give them two weeks MAX before they die.
And of course, we can’t forget that WB turned 4 months old yesterday. Eeek!! How time flies!
We spent the rest of yesterday catching up on things around the house, organizing our new stuff and pretty much just spending time together. It was one of the best weekends we’ve had all summer. Lots of fun and amazing weather. It was the perfect weekend because B starts school today, so things are about to get crazy around here.
What’d you do this weekend??
Looks like another fun weekend at your house. Was L really sleeping with a sucker in his mouth?
I’m not sure if he was actually sleeping or not. I went to pull it out of his mouth and he started smacking my hand away. LOL. I eventually got it though.