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Labor day can only mean one thing. Fall is just around the corner. In fact, I think 99% of America considers Labor Day to be the last day of summer, so let’s get started on fall okay? Here are five things I am loving this fall:

Ahh, the cider mill. I cannot wait for that first chilly morning of fall where you need a jacket and boots and jeans and head out to the cider mill for some apple cider and warm donuts. I’ve talked about it a million times before, but there is something about cider mill donuts that make them amazing. Krispy Creme? No thanks. But a powdered donut from the cider mill? Yes please!

At the recommendation of a friend (who lives on the East Coast – I think), I picked up some Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale the other day. I happened to stumble upon it and recalled her recommendation, so how could I not grab it? B knows beer isn’t my thing, so he doesn’t really trust my recommendations, but tried it anyways. And feel in love. He remarked we should “fill the fridge full of this stuff”. He tried to grab more while out today (a 6-pack doesn’t last long around here), but no stores he went to carried it. Never fear, I’ll get him more. And even I like it! Isn’t the packaging cute??

For some reason, I don’t burn candles often in the summer. It’s not like candles warm up my house or anything, but I just don’t do it. I am guessing I am not alone in this. Am I? Anyways, I love fall because that means I get to break out all my yummy candle scents. I love love love Yankee Candle’s Halloween collection. Sure they are pricey, but they always have coupons / coupon codes. Go get some now before it’s too late and they are all sold out. This happens I swear.
While I don’t get too many chances to look stylish (I am not one of those moms who “dresses up” to stay home all day), I am going to try my hardest this fall to rock a few cute outfits. If this doesn’t happen, I will at least throw a cute scarf on with my lulu gear. That’s fall’ish right?
Unless it’s hot pink or sparkly or something crazy, I prefer dark nail polish. And something about dark polish just looks out of place in June. So when fall comes around, I am all over the dark polish. All over it!
What are some of your favorite fall things? What are you looking forward to this fall?