Kiwi Crate: Cover Photo Star Box Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Because L is so stinkin cute, he was selected to be one of the September Kiwi Crate Cover Photo Stars! What does that mean? Well it means that I posted a picture of him and his August Kiwi Crate to their Facebook page and they picked him to put in their cover photo. So what you say? Well it was “super awesome” since we got a free Kiwi Crate! SCORE! I loved this one (which was themed “digging into dinosaurs”) even more than the August Robot Rally one.

Like August, this box came with two projects: “my dinosaur fossils” and “my dino feet”.  My dinosaur fossils is right up our alley.  It ranks medium on the messiness scale (Kiwi Crate labels the messiness of all projects”.  After we make our fossils, I plan to wait a few weeks and hide them in the backyard so we can dig them up and rediscover them all over again.

The second project, my dino feet is ranked low on the messiness scale, but it includes fabric markers and requires the use of scissors (which were included in our first box), so I am pretty sure we can make this super messy ;).  Since this was a crate was a previous month (that we never received since we are new subscribers), the instruction booklets include pictures of creations made by other kids!  How fun is that?  We actually got two sets of fabric bags for the feet, which I am not sure normal?  We may have just gotten super lucky!  We’ll either make two sets of feet or we’ll use the bags to carry around our treasures.

Also included in the box was instructions for a third project “dinosaur tail”.  You need a brown paper bag and ribbon (which were not provided), but you can use the rest of your felt to make a tail to match your feet!

If you don’t subscribe to a service like Kiwi Crate, you totally should.  What kid doesn’t like getting a box full of fun projects every month?  I know we love it over here!  Thanks again Nana! Oh, and if you do subscribe, make sure to submit your kid’s pictures on their FB page. Maybe you’ll get picked for a free box next month??

*Disclosure: You click and buy, I get credits at Kiwi Crate. I know you already know this, but I am required to mention it.*

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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