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This poll has no real point and I really don’t care one way or another what your favorite social media site it, but I am curious. Is it Facebook? Twitter? Foursqaure? Do tell.
My favorite is Facebook. With Instagram a close second. I like Facebook because how else would I know about Betty from high school’s latest medical drama? Or that my friend Kay broke up with her a**hole boyfriend for the 896,798th time? In addition to the personal details of my “friends” that I do NOT need to know but will willingly read, I also like to check out all the pictures posted. I really really love seeing everyone’s kids and family pictures. And vacation photos. Everything. No seriously, I do.
And Instagram is just so, well instant. I like glimpsing into people’s daily lives and seeing what they are doing via picture. Now some people don’t follow this rule and post eight billion pictures in a row from their vacation or whatever that happens a while back. Umm, that’s NOT what Instagram is for. Follow the rules people.
As for twitter, I mean, I like it okay, but never seem to get around to actually posting on it. I do like reading other people’s tweets though when I am feeding the WB or whatever, so keep tweeting!
Now it’s your turn, what’s your favorite site and why??