Pay It Forward

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With it being the holiday season and all, I thought we’d talk about “Paying It Forward” today.  I am guessing every single one of you does something amazing for others during the holiday season and I want to hear all about it. Not everyone has the resources to drop hundred dollar bills in the Salvation Army Kettles (I certainly don’t) or to adopt an entire family for the holidays, but they are ways we can all help to spread cheer right?

Here are some of my personal (*) favorite inexpensive and simple ways to pay it forward over the holidays:

~Buy the person behind you in the drive-thru at Starbucks their cup of coffee.  If you’ve never done this, you totally should.  Not only will it make their day, it’ll probably make yours too.  It’s so easy and cheap, but everyone ends up happy.

~Donate toys to Toys for Tots (or a similar organization).  Again, this is an example of what I do with some of my Target clearance finds.  Donate it.  Sure L doesn’t need mini holiday Barbie that I bought for 90% off.  But some little girl will be thrilled I saved it in my basement for an entire year just for her. And L will learn a valuable lesson about donating toys to kids in need.

~Bake and drop off cookies or a special treat to a friend / neighbor.  Who wouldn’t be happy to open the door and see a friend holding a plate of holiday cookies?

~Give blood.  I haven’t given blood in ages and I am kind of ashamed.  It’s easy and free and they give you cookies and a sticker.  So why don’t I do this like I should?  I am making time and doing this ASAP.  Hold me accountable!

~Offer the mailman / UPS man, Fed Ex, guy, etc. a drink.  They are SO busy during the holidays that they probably don’t get time to stop at CVS to pick up a bottle of water you know?

~Give up that amazing parking spot at the mall.  You know the feeling, you’ve circled the parking spot for ages and then you spy the perfect spot.  Instead of just snatching that spot, pass it up and wave to the person behind you to take it.

~Write a Review.  Did you get great service at a restaurant?  Was a sales clerk extra helpful?  Did you have a great experience with an Etsy seller?  Love the holiday pictures you had taken?  By all means, leave a review!  Do it on Yelp, Facebook pages, etc.

~Share your time. Got a free hour or two? Someone, somewhere needs you. Volunteer at a shelter. Drop off Christmas decorations to a hospital. Help an elderly neighbor wrap presents. Babysit so your friend can Christmas shop alone. Sit and bs with that old man who’s always at the local bar and looks lonely. They’ll love whatever time you can give them.

And now I want to hear from you all. I know you have some amazing Pay It Forward ideas and I want to hear them! Doesn’t matter if you’ve done them or not, I just want some more ideas for us all. And if you’ve already paid it forward this holiday season, what’d you do? And how’d it go?

(*) I’m not saying I’ve done all these, but I certainly plan to do some this season!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Shelby

    I’ve helped out with Toys for Tots & it was so great!! We had to sort the toys by ages – it was amazing to see how many toys people have donated!! It was a kinda small room just piled up with bags full of toys.

    Also don’t forget to donate when you see the Salvation Army people standing out in the cold ringing their bells.

  2. Angie Petkoff

    Someone special in our lives has done some very generous things for us since our daughter was born. A dear friend of mine had an extremely unfortunate and difficult year, which also included some financial difficulty. In the midst of a lot of misfortune, she and her husband welcomed their first baby three months after mine was born! I have so enjoyed paying the generosity bestowed upon us in regards to our new babe, forward to my friend! One morning after my husband and I spent some time with my friend, her husband and their new baby, I was heading to the store. As I was heading out the door, at the same time, my husband and I both said out loud, “pick up some things for their baby”. We both smiled and I was excited to get to the store. I picked up a handful of different items and I was so excited to have some new things to give them! As I drove home, I received a phone call and was asked if I was available for a Babies R Us shopping spree. I was overwhelmed by the coincidence that I was inclined to buy for my friend the same day someone wanted to buy things for us. Of course, I cried and was overwhelmed with many emotions. Since then, I have collected from other people for our friends, sometimes even by people that don’t know them! It warms my heart when I can do any little bit that I can for them. They have truly endured a ridiculously difficult year and their strength amazes and encourages me. Great topic!

  3. Wendy

    great post!!

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