PopSugar Must Have Luxury Box Giveaway (yes ANOTHER ONE)

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
image credit: PopSugar

Update: I’ve decided to sweeten the pot. In addition to the PopSugar Must Have Luxury Edition Box, I am also going to give away a December PopSugar Must Have Box. So one winner (the first one picked) will get the Luxury box and one winner (the second one picked) will get the December box!

Okay, so I’ll fess up. So I had originally bought one PopSugar Must Have Luxury Box for myself and one extra for a gift or to break up in pieces and gift or something. And then I bought one (which turned into two) to give away. But since I have no clue what is inside the extra box or when it’s shipping, I can’t really count on it for gifts. What really would end up happening is that I would have two boxes for myself and that would be greedy and not really part of the spirit of the holiday now would it?

SO, I am giving the “extra” one away! You have two weeks to enter and you can enter every day, so bookmark this post! AND if you sign up for ebates (*) using my link, AND make a purchase so you can start earning cash back yourself, you’ll get 10 extra entries per DAY!!  All you have to do is come back every day and click the button.  Easy enough right?  That means, if you sign up for ebates(**) you’d get like 150 entries and have any amazing chance at winning.  I seriously wish I could give away a box to everyone since I think they are so fun, but sadly I can’t. And since these sold out in a DAY, there is no where else to get one but here! So what are you waiting for? Get entering!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

(*) I get credit when you sign up at ebates. And me getting credit means I can do more of these giveaways that I LOVE to do!  And if you have already signed up using my link, but all means click the button and get yourself those entries!
(**) Oh you already have a ebates account you say?  Why not talk your spouse, brother, sister, parents, dog, cat, hamster, etc. into signing up and making a purchase.  Just give me their e-mail so I know what entry it matches with!

Spread the love


Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 236 Comments

  1. Amanda

    I love that you’re doing this! And I have to ask, how much do you spend on boxes each month? I know you get great deals/discounts, but it’s still got to be expensive! (and if not, please tell me your secrets)

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! It’s really not that expensive at all. I gets lots of them free because of referral credits. So I guess that’s my secret?

      1. Megan Musings

        You are one smart cookie, lady! I love your blog.

  2. Carri

    Trying again to get on the bandwagon! 🙂

  3. shannon w

    It would be an amazing christmas if I won this box. I almost bought it when they were open, but needed to save the $ for christmas gifts. You are awesome for doing this again!!!!!

  4. Amanda

    So nice of you to be doing this again!

  5. Shirley Lim

    This is awesome. Thank you so much, I always felt Popsugar was pricy for the poor college student. I would like to take the tip and start blogging so I can rack up those possible referral boxes.

    C’mon rafflecopter!

    1. Jennifer

      You should consider starting a blog! It’s fun and it does have it’s perks!

  6. Caitlin

    Yay your doing another giveaway for this 🙂 Im hoping for a win!!

  7. jen

    I would totally put this in my stocking if I won!

    1. Jennifer

      I am hoping it’s going to be so big it won’t even fit in a stocking!

  8. Kyra

    Ooooh how I want to win one of these! I asked for a subscription for christmas…is that weird?!
    Now for my dumb question – what am I supposed to write in the box for the click to enter entry???

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! I’ve actually never looked at the entry before. Just put Hi or something. I’m not even sure what that’s for!

      1. Michelle

        Ha! I didn’t know what to put either…so I put my email address. LOL!

  9. Abby

    I would be to win this! Bummed I missed out on signing up! Thanks for the giveaway

  10. Dahnie

    Yay! You’re wonderful! Sending great karma to you and your family for your kindness!

  11. Kristin Lockwood

    Oh man!!! I need to win this one!!! You are super generous!

  12. Jessica

    Yay for another one!!

  13. Calli

    I’d love to try this. I’ve only ever tried birchbox and this looks better.

  14. April

    I signed up a few weeks ago on ebates through your link — did you get credit??

    1. Jennifer

      Yes I did! You are the best!

      1. April

        Oh good! Those things never work for me so I am SO glad you got credit! I best get shopping some more…

  15. Tiffany

    Thank you so much for the contest & your blog! I always look forward to your subscription box reviews 🙂

  16. Stephanie

    Awesome giveaway!! I wonder what’s in that box… 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I can only hope it’s not a bunch of crap!

  17. Norma

    Yah!!!! Love it 🙂

  18. Jenny

    WOW another chance. I’d love to win this. 🙂 I love getting my regular MustHave box I can’t imagine what is in the Luxury Box.

  19. Norma

    I signed up a few weeks ago for rebates through your link… Hoping you got credit. If not I can sign up again with my husbands email!!

    1. Jennifer

      I did see that you signed up! Thank you! But I won’t get the credit until you make a purchase. So start shopping. LOL.

      1. Norma

        Yes ma’am… I’m on it!! Anything for extra points bc I NEED this box!!!!! Lol

        1. Jennifer

          LOL! And don’t forget to come back and click the button every day to get ALL those entries!

          1. Norma

            Girl I have this post saved on my home screen!!!! Lol

  20. Stephanie Salerno

    I wonder what kind of stuff it will have. I hope we find out soon. Thanks for doing these giveaways!

  21. Shelby

    Yay!! Cool! Hoping I win this one!

  22. R

    Wow. I was really hoping that they would release more for purchase but this is infinitely better!

    1. Jennifer

      Good luck!!!

  23. LSP

    “You can enter if we’re related, but not if we live in the same house.” Haha!

  24. Catherine Schmidt

    Hope, hope, hope!

  25. Marsha McKernan

    This will be amazing!

  26. megan

    I have never gotten anything that exciting in the mail! Would love to win!

  27. Elizabeth

    I love reading your blog and Instagram! I found your blog through someone else, and I’m so glad I did! I bought my husband the birchbox man because your husband loves it, and I think mine loves it too! I’m tempted to buy him the mantry, but it’s so expensive! Anyway, thanks for having a great blog, and this giveaway!

    1. Jennifer

      Awww, thank you!! I know. Mantry is so expensive. But B loves it so much! He deserves the treat!

  28. Amy Myers

    Hi, Thank you for giving away so many of the luxury boxes!

  29. Christine H.

    You are awesome! Thanks for doing this again!

  30. Jency Kuriakose

    Just when you think its all gone, there comes a glimmer of hope! 😀
    You are very generous. Best of all you are spreading not just happiness but hope and excitement! 🙂
    I hope you get it right back!
    Side note: I just cant wait to see what’s in the box! I just know that it has to top the Sept box!

  31. Mom

    I’d love to win this.

  32. Aimee

    Your defiantly full of surprises!

  33. Heidi

    I’ve already signed up for ebates plus I don’t think you’d get credit for me signing up for the Canadian one 🙁 but I agree it’s awesome!

    1. Jennifer

      I didn’t even know they had a Canadian one! Ohhh, I hear there is a Sephora.ca now??

  34. Kelsey N.

    I would love to win! I just signed up for ebates the other night with the husbands email. I might just have to do it with my email now

  35. soon p

    Happy holidays. Would love to win this one.

  36. Stephanie

    I literally screamed when I read this blog post! Woke up my fianc? and now he’s super grumpy but it was totally worth it! I’m beyond jazzed at this giveaway!!!! I missed out on getting this box when it came out initially, they were having computer problems when I submitted my order and when I figured it out they were all sold out!!! Thanks for being so awesome and having another giveaway, you’re the best!!!

  37. Alice

    I got my first ebates credit today from my Sephora order a few days ago and was so excited. I can’t imagine the money I could save from using ebates and Target red card…..

  38. Catherine

    Awesome! Thanks so much! 🙂

  39. Evelyn

    Ooh I subbed to a box for December but couldn’t quite afford the luxury box. This giveaway is amazing!

  40. Jackie

    Thanks for another great giveaway! I’ve already finished my Christmas shopping but I’m sure I can find another thing or two to buy so you can get your credit!

  41. Angie Petkoff

    Yay! Fun! Another drawing!!!! Thanks, Jen!!!

  42. Heather

    WHOOO HOOO!!! Great give away!! I guess my question is which box is your favorite and why? 🙂

  43. Ellen A.

    Another giveaway?! I love it! Hopefully I win this time 🙂

  44. Danielle

    I love this giveaway!!!

  45. Shannon Dew

    You’re awesome and if I didn’t have ebates already I’d totally give you my $5!

  46. Yesenia

    Thanks so much for giving another one away!!

  47. Amanda

    I’m not gonna sign up for ebates…but you should still pick me, LOL.

    1. Jennifer

      You will never win ;). Just kidding. You might but I won’t like you as much!

  48. Cristina

    You are awesome!!!! What a great giveaway.

  49. Stacey

    You’re so amazing for giveaway all these boxes! If I didn’t already have Ebates I would have signed up under your link!


  50. Ash Johnson

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway

  51. Kimberly H

    Thanks for doing this give a way… I hope I win…I hope I win…
    LOL. 🙂

  52. Lydia

    Excited for another giveaway!!

  53. heather houston

    I really want to experience one of these boxes!

  54. Arrie

    I have you to thank for my new found subscription box addiction!! Thanks for teaching me.

  55. Emily W

    Well since I didn’t win the lottery, maybe I’ll win the luxury box 🙂

  56. Tari Lawson

    I love surprises.

  57. Jennifer M

    Thanks for another great giveaway! I’m dying to know what are in these boxes.

  58. Michelle

    Thanks for doing another amazing giveaway!! Now I’m off to sign up for ebates….wish me luck! 🙂

  59. Shirley Lim

    Aww I came back today to enter for 10 more entries and it’s still stuck on the “Do this again tomorrow for more entries”. Ahh!

    Thank you again for the opportunity for the giveaway!

    1. Jennifer

      I can go in and manually enter you, but I don’t see your name on my ebates sign up?

      1. Shirley Lim

        Hmm.. I’m not sure, I clicked on your linked, but I may have gone into another portal since the signup page is not on the link 🙁

  60. Meagan S

    This would be AMAZING to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. Beth

    What a generous giveaway!!! Thanks for doing this!

  62. Tiffany

    Gimme, gimme gimmmeeeee!!!

  63. Abby

    I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance to get this generous giveaway!

  64. Madelyn

    I am a fan of your blog, love to read your Target posts because I also LOVE Target. I had never heard of these subscription boxes before but now I’m a bit curious to try them out.

  65. Susan

    This is amazing, I’m broke paying student loans so this would make a wonderful xmas present!!!

  66. Deb

    crossing my fingers to win this time!!

  67. rachel

    Ebates.com rocks! I love using them for coupon codes and money back.

  68. Pegon

    I love your ramblings! Makes me excited for my future =)

  69. Alysia

    I just signed up for Ebates a few weeks ago, and I’m so glad I did! Sorry I didn’t get to use your referral link, but I LOVE Ebates!! And oh yeah, it would be super fun to win this box!

  70. Jasmin R Wilson

    I would love to win this…!!Thank you for the opportunity..Merry Christmas..and Happy Holidays..!!

  71. Jessie

    Thank you! My fingers are crossed SO HARD!

  72. Delilah

    Great giveaway. I’m actually wondering if I should get the Popsugar Luxury box for men as a Christmas gift for someone!

  73. Corin C.

    Yay! Another box! Crossing my fingers!

  74. Christine

    absolutely love your blog! want to start my own but I don’t know how.. and I would love to win this,box 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      It’s so easy! Just go to blogger.com, pick a template and get started!!!

  75. Crystal

    Frequently, I am blown away by your generosity. By the way, thank you for the iced tea lip treatment. It very much made my day!

    1. Jennifer

      Oh, I am not that generous. Trust me! I get a lot of stuff for free from blogging and I like giving back when I can!!!

  76. Alicia

    I never win anything….. this would be amazing!!

  77. Brittany

    I would love,love,love to win one of these for my sister for Christmas! Ps. Love your blog, it’s one of the only things getting me through my boring auditing job on a daily basis!

    1. Jennifer

      I used to be an auditor!!!!

  78. Jennifer

    Awesome giveaway!! Thank you.

  79. nicole a

    So dang bummed I missed out on buying one of these boxes! Can’t wait to see whats inside, whether I was to win or not! I shall live vicariously through others!

  80. Erika

    Darn it! I’m already on ebates – womp womp!

  81. wendy

    i would love to win. <3

  82. Susan

    Entering again today!!

  83. Melissa

    I totally need this box, I pamper everyone but me and it would be so exciting to be pampered for once!!

  84. Catherine

    Ooo you’re adding another box? Too Cool! 😀

    1. Jennifer

      Yes! One winner will get the Luxury Box and one will get the regular December box!

  85. Katie Fritz

    Commenting! Thank you!

  86. Kaitlin

    If I could win this I would have birthday gifts for my friends & family lined up for the rest of the year!

    You are such a wonderful person to offer ANOTHER luxury box giveaway, thank you!!!

  87. Jennifer

    I would love to win!

  88. Raven Stewart

    This is so awesome!!!! Thanks for doing this again!!!

  89. christina ward

    DYING to win this!! I have entered every single one of these giveaways lol

  90. Sara n

    I’m trying this again! would be absolutely thrilled to win!!
    And I would sign up for ebates under your referral but I’m already a member 🙁

  91. Jessica

    This is amazing! It would be so awesome to win this during the holidays. I’m sure everyone could use an extra special treat since women seem to give all of themselves during this season. Thank you for the chance!

  92. Liza

    Awesome! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  93. Christina

    hope i win! you’re awesome for doing this!

  94. Jessica R.

    I just figured out that this box existed last month and signed up for a box, but only January was available because December was already sold out. I bet the December box will be awesome. The luxury box was also sold out.

  95. Dani

    Thanks for this giveaway. You have some very nice readers. I read a lot of blogs, and the comments here are some of the nicest I’ve seen on a review/giveaway site. That says a lot about you.

    1. Jennifer

      I do have some great readers!!!!!!

  96. Jen

    I think it’s great you do giveaways. I just love your blog.

  97. Maddy


  98. Sela


  99. Stephanie

    Sounds exciting! I’m almost nervous to win as I don’t wanna get hooked on monthly subscription boxes!

  100. Elizabeth

    I would love to win the limited edition box! I signed up for the December Must Have Box…this is my first so I am hoping it’s good!

  101. Stephanie Brockhouse

    This would be amazing to win!!!

  102. Jennifer Cochran

    I was SO SAD that I waited to order until it was sold out. Pick me pick me! 😉

  103. Stephanie

    I’ve got a question, it’s saying 27/27 entries, are we only alotted 27 entries each?

    1. Jennifer

      No, I believe that just means you used up all your entries for today. It should reset for you tomorrow and you can earn more. You should be able to earn 12 every day.

  104. Roxanne

    Pick me!

  105. Becky

    Thank you for doing another giveaway!

  106. Nicole

    Love your blog!!

  107. Katy M

    Oh my gosh! I’m so excited to see that you’re giving this away! I really wanted to order one, but like you said they sold out in hours, and sadly I missed out!

    My fingers are super-crossed!!!


  108. Kate W

    Yay! I would love one of these boxes!

  109. renee walters

    Thanks for the great giveaway and happy holidays!

  110. Jessie

    I love your monthly subscription box reviews! Your the go to person to tell it like it is and I even send others to your link. I’m so excited to find out what’s in the must have luxury box!

  111. Moira

    i want one soo bad!!

  112. Danielle Sauers

    I’m not sure if my comment went through so sorry if I post this twice, but thanks for the giveaway! This would be a great gift to give.

  113. tiffany newman

    this would be so awesome!


    I have every finger crossed Toes too, 🙂

  115. Meg

    Love this giveaway! Yay!

  116. Jillian

    I am so curious to see what they included. And the men’s luxury box, too… Totally no guesses on this end!!

  117. Karen

    This looks absolutely fabulous!

  118. Tamar

    Happy Chanukah 🙂

  119. brandy

    Thanks for doing this giveaway! Happy Holidays!

  120. Dana

    what a great box

  121. Riann

    So bummed I missed out on buying the box! Fingers crossed 🙂

  122. Braden

    Thank you for this giveaway!

  123. Stephanie Larison

    I would love to win this!! 🙂

  124. Lindsey H

    So excited to know the contents of this box. Was sold out before I got a chance to sign up for one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  125. Mer

    Thanks for the chance to win! I was going to splurge on one of these for a present to myself, but I missed the sign up. Hoping to be the lucky winner!

  126. Rachel

    I would love to win this the luxury edition was sold out by the time i went to order one oh my goodness i was so disappointed

  127. Holly

    I love that you are doing this! Sadly, I missed out on the luxury box:(

  128. S

    Hope I win!

  129. Tianna

    I just started following BLOGS!!! I am addicted to subscription boxes!!! Thanks for being involved!!!

  130. Melanie

    So excited! Hope what’s inside is as awesome as the monthly ones.

  131. Lily

    I love PopSugar Must Have boxes! So excited for the luxury edition!

  132. Maggie

    I never comment, but I love your blog!

  133. Danyelle H

    Awesome giveaway!

  134. Michelle

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  135. Lily H

    I would really love to win the luxury box.

    Actually already got my december regular box, but tbh I was quite disappointed (here’s a spoiler link http://instagram.com/p/THeS4oAjuX/)

    pick meee for luxury pleaaasee 🙂

  136. Angela Miller

    Thank you so much for this opportunity! I would kill to win a luxury box! So excited!

  137. Heather Garcia

    Would love to recieve something for myself!! Thanks!!

  138. Karen

    I love popsugar!

  139. Katherine

    Merry Christmas to you~

  140. Molly

    It would be so fun to win this as a holiday treat for myself! Thanks for offering this great giveaway 🙂

  141. NicoleZ

    Great site! I have always wanted to try one of these monthly subscription boxes but haven’t been brave enough yet!

  142. Amy

    The December box was so disappointing that I would like to try other month’s boxes but don’t have the money to do so. Thank you!

  143. Laura L

    I’d love to win this–I’ve signed up to start my sub in February but I want some pop sugar for Christmas!

  144. Chelsea

    yay! thanks for this

  145. Jeannie

    thanks for the opportunity! i was bummed to miss out on the luxury box!

  146. melinda singer

    I just love the surprise of subscription boxes, you never know what wonderful treats you’ll find inside.

  147. Heather Swarthout

    I hope to win, this looks like a very interesting giveaway! 🙂

  148. Paula Pilr

    I love your blog & I appreciate all of the work that you do to make it great.

  149. gina

    Thank you so much for a great giveaway!

  150. Tara J.

    It is so generous of you to give these away! I’m just excited to see what is in the luxury box! It sounds amazing!

  151. JenniferLL

    I’m so so dying to get a luxury box, a few of my friends have them coming and I’d love to join the fun 😉

  152. Jency Kuriakose

    Ebates is so cool! Seriously, why wouldnt people just sign for it?! Thanks. Also I made some purchases – hope you are getting credit.

  153. Chrissy

    This would be so awesome to win! Love your giveaways!

  154. Kate

    I am dying for this luxury box… I hope it’s awesome! Didn’t have the money to get one when it came out and of course they were all gone very quickly!

  155. Beki

    Would love to win!

  156. Rose D.

    I want the luxury box!!! PLEASE!

  157. bohointhecity@gmail.com

    so excited for this giveaway and can’t wait to see whats in the box. Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to everyone.

  158. Jamie M

    I hope I win the luxury box!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  159. Karla

    Would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!

  160. Linda Lansford

    yes it is a must have

  161. Blaire

    You have created a monster!! Since I found your blog, and subsequently subscription boxes, I am addicted!!

  162. Saara

    Would love to win!

  163. emily

    I would love to win! Thanks!

  164. Breanne

    I would love to win these boxes!

  165. Cyndi

    I never win anything. I’m hoping some of your luck might rub off on me. And in the mean time your great list of boxes shall keep me quite busy. Thanks for putting that together

  166. Debra Hall

    i’ve heard a lot about these and would love to win one

  167. Sara

    Love your blog!

  168. Sarah

    I just got my first popsuger box and I would love the luxury box so I could give it to my mom.

    1. Sarah

      I just got my first popsugar box and I would love to give the luxury box to my mom. She starts chemo next week and needs to have something to life her spirits:)

  169. Laura

    I’m getting the December Box but couldn’t afford the Luxury Box- can barely afford the December! Just discovered your blog the other day- excellent!

  170. Hesper Fry

    I like the element of mystery in this gift box!

  171. Karen

    Sounds fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

  172. Mary DeBorde

    Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway!
    Happy Holidays <3

  173. Lucy Schwartz

    I do love your Holiday spirit. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  174. Holly

    I would love to win this!!! I recieve their newsletter and love them.

  175. Rich Hicks

    thanks for terrific giveaway

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  176. s riches

    The luxury boxes are sold out. I want to win this one.

  177. Jessica

    Hope I win!!!

  178. Sarah

    I’m intrigued

  179. Julie Jones

    I want to pamper myself.

  180. liz l

    thanks for the chance to win

  181. Tricia

    What a great giveaway!

  182. Charlene

    Wonderful giveaway, thanks for the chance 🙂

  183. Chelsea A

    Thanks for the giveaway! I find boxes like these so tempting but I haven’t signed up for any …

  184. Nicole Lancaster

    I would love to win a Popsugar box. Thank you for the giveaway.

  185. kathy pease

    Thank you for the great giveaway please count me in 🙂

  186. Lisa Garner

    These boxes sound like so much fun!

  187. mary gardner

    we could all use a little pampering! thanks for the chance to win!

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

  188. Ashley Morrissey

    Crossing my fingers!

  189. Sarah H

    Thanks for doing this contest!

  190. Nicole C.

    Great prize!!

  191. Breanne

    thanks for the giveaway!

  192. julie

    omg look at all of your comments!

    1. Jennifer

      I think everyone wants to win this!!

  193. Julie Myles

    Great prize.

  194. Kari Flores

    This would be an amazing gift to myself. Keep these coming!

  195. Jency Kuriakose

    Good Luck everyone! Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!

  196. Leah Shumack

    Thank you for the giveaway

  197. Melissa

    I’ve been a good girl all year, please pick me!! 🙂

  198. Lily Huang

    pick me please — hopefully the luxury box is good enough to change my mind about popsugar boxes!!

  199. Susan Smith

    Thanks for the giveaway

  200. Stephanie

    I would love to be able to win one of these, I had to cancel all of my box subs, and I am seriously going through withdrawal… lol

  201. Michelle Tucker

    Thank you for the giveaway…and to add an extra prize, awesome!

  202. meme

    This would be such an incredible prize to win and a great Christmas present for someone

  203. Sand

    I would love to win this!

  204. Lauren L

    Thank you for the great blog and the great giveaway!

  205. Lisa

    thanks for the great giveaway!!

  206. Gianna

    Thanks for the giveaway!

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