So much of nothing….

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I’m not going to lie, that’s just another title for Random Ramblings. Tricky right? I try to only do Random Ramblings post like once a week, but sometimes there’s just lots to talk about. Like this week.

~OMG, so the story of Manti Te’o’s girlfriend dying is a hoax. WTF? Did he seriously get catfished(*)? Really? Or did he know about this to try and get publicity to further his career? Let’s pretend for a second he didn’t know. You mean to tell me this hot shot college football player is “dating” some girl on the internet that he has never met? Don’t you even get a little suspicious when the girl you are dating never shows up it meet you in person? And then goes on to call you after she faked her death and tell you she’s alive? What? I mean, if he was catfished, I feel horrible for him. It just all seems so crazy. Someone call Nev. He’ll get to the bottom of this.
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~My cable is officially canceled. And I didn’t miss it all day until I wanted to watch the Notre Dame press conference last night. After a little googling, I found it livestreaming on the net. Problem solved. It may take a little extra work to find the things I want to watch, but I am 99.9% sure it can’t be done and all will be well. Everyone I’ve talked to who has gotten rid of cable doesn’t miss it at all.

~We are headed to Chuck E Cheese today, so cross your fingers that we only come home with cheap prizes and not strep throat (like L got the first and last time we went). I have never been on a weekday before, but I am hoping it does not have that same gross smell that it does on the weekend. I am guessing it’s going to be 100x better. It has to be right? And L is SO excited about it. So excited.

~This marks B’s second week back at school and things are going well. I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but he’s doing some 12-week Challenge and has been giving it his all. Honestly, I don’t know how he does it. He’s also running a 5K this weekend.

~And I know we JUST discussed celebrity gossip, but I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t mention that Jenelle (from Teen Mom) and her husband were expecting a baby.  Oh, and that Ryan Gosling likes to knit with old ladies.  Umm, hello.  That’s me!  I’l old and I’ll learn to knit.  Call me.

(*) I still cannot believe they mentioned Catfish in the article.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Stephanie Bradshaw

    I was just hearing about this on the radio this morning…I was going to look into it more when I got to work! I can’t believe I didn’t hear about this until now!!!

    By the way…did you do something different to your blog? It threw me off this morning!!!

    1. Jennifer

      Yeah, I have been playing around with the blog layout. I’m not sure what I am going to do!

  2. Shellsea

    We got rid of cable and I’ve been thinking about doing a post on it. Don’t miss it at all.

    1. Jennifer

      I would love to read your post on that! I’d interested in hearing how you watch live sporting events??

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