luvmybox Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

When the folks at luvmybox reached out to see if I would like to review a box, of course I said yes! I’m pretty sure that B enjoys my new job reviewing “adult” boxes. He certainly shows more interest in these than say, when WB gets a box.

luvmybox (*) is $34.95/month for which you’ll receive a box of sultry goodies sent right to your door. Every month will contain new surprises so you won’t need to umm, run out to that shady store where you might see your co-worker or neighbor. Or whoever. (**)

The Box

luvmybox promises very discreet packing and I gotta tell you, I didn’t even know what was inside. It was in a plain brown box and the customs label (they are a Canadian company) provided me with no clue either. And it wasn’t until I opened this box that I figured it out!

The Information Card

I found the information card descriptions to be a bit romance novel’ish for my taste, but I know some people are into that so they probably like it ;). And I am guessing that’s how it was intended!

And now, here’s what you’ve been waiting for….the contents:

~Black Rose Silky Surrender Rosie Restraints ($14.95): I may not have read 50 Shades of Grey, but I don’t live under a rock either.  I bet all these bondage type items flew off the shelves after the book(s) came out.   The card suggests tying up your partner to the bed posts or the mattress handles (did I seriously just type that), but sadly, we have neither or I totally would have told you all about how I liked this.  NOT.

Black Rose Silky Surrender Rosie Restraints

~Sex and Mischief Blindfold ($6.95):  Fitting right along with the theme of this box comes a blindfold to “allow your senses to come alive”.  OR you use it on airplanes so people will think your sleeping or at night when your wife has the lights on and you’re sleeping because she’s blogging.  Either one.

Sex and Mischief Blindfold

~Sliquid H2O Natural Intimate Lubricant ($13.99): The name of this cracks me up.  I did a little research(***) and found a description of this that says it’s “Formulated to last longer than most Hollywood marriages!” LOL!  I love a company with a good sense of humor and this one’s got it!  Just an FYI: Lubricant also works great in place of ultrasound gel on home dopplers.  I shudder at the thoughts in my CVS clerk’s head when I’d run in and grab a bottle while 7 months pregnant.

Sliquid H2O Natural Intimate Lubricant

~Playful Feather / Tickler ($6.99):  If I dared tickle B with this, he’d probably kick me in the face.  He actually did kick me (on accident of course) when we were having a tickle fight (not a dirty one – get your mind out of the gutter) a few years ago.  I cried. Needless to say I will NOT be using this for it’s intended purposes ;).

Playful Feather / Tickler

All totaled, I came up with a value of $42.88 for this box.  Not bad considering that the box only costs $34.95 AND you can avoid the creepers at your local “shop”.  It didn’t say it on the card, but I kinda feel like this was a 50 Shades theme box.

Do you subscribe to luvmybox?  What do you think?  Not a subscriber?  If you are interested in ordering a box for Valentine’s Day, you gotta do it by TODAY so click here and get ordering!  And also, don’t act like you aren’t going to click over there and check out all the boxes.  I think all the “adult boxes” have been getting the most hits this week.  Everyone’s getting all feisty for Valentine’s Day huh??

(*) Please tell me someone else thinks this is the most “interesting” name for a monthly subscription box. I am guessing the play on words was intentional, but I feel so dirty just typing / saying it. If you have NO clue what I am talking about, feel free to GTS or click here (it’s only Urban Dictionary).
(**) This is not based on a true story. I’m just saying it could happen.
(***) I hope nothing bad happens to me in the next few days.  My google search history hasn’t exactly been PG this last week or so ;).

Disclosure: I was sent a complimentary month from luvmybox in exchange for my honest review.  No compensation was received.  However, this post does contain affiliate links. 


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Niki @ My Life, My Way

    The name of the company is crackin’ me up over here. But at the same time I am blushing like a fool because that is what I do when the this particular topic comes up. I get so embarrassed. LOL

  2. Jessica R.

    Spice Box looks better. This one seems cheesy and that “tickler” looks like a cat toy. 🙂

  3. Alice

    Man, descriptions can make any normal item seem dirty/”adult/”fifty shades.” I agree with Jessica on the cheesy. The tickler made me think of those pens they had in Clueless. Ok I gotta ask (and I’m pretty much a prude), umm so like that restraint thing is just a piece of ribbon with an ugly flower on it? Like it has no function? Because its pretty fugly and made me think a person could make a killing on Etsy if such things actually sold.

    1. Samantha

      @Alice: If you make some cute ones, let me know! 🙂 The kinds they have for sale in the sketchy shops are cheap fabric, and give me rashes.

  4. Courtney

    I am seriously rolling over here at your tickle fight comments. My co-workers are all “What are you laughing at? What’s so damn funny? Tell us!!” and I’m all “Hey!!Mind you business!” LOL Thanks for that laugh!!!

  5. nichole budnick

    Well that might make for some interesting items at your garage sale

  6. Lauren L

    Oh no! I ordered this because I was hoping for something better than stuff you could get at the 99 cent store. 34.99 seems so expensive for that! That’s almost returnable. 🙁

  7. ~M

    I have ordered boxes like this before from another company (Spicy Subscriptions). LuvmyBox is WAAAAAAYYYYYYY better! Each box has a theme, this month’s was 50. It’s also important to note that this was the first box….. ever! They are getting better and they post all past boxes on their website. Once my Spicy box is up in April, May I will be with luvmybox, and I can’t wait!!!!!!

  8. Dani

    I just came across this through your list of subscription boxes and I totally agree about the name! The whole reason I clicked through to the review, even though the company has been bought out, is that it’s THE BEST NAME EVER. Sigh. RIP, awesomely named company.

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