Tuesday’s Troubles

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Okay, this is probably going to be more of a weekly thing than I had originally planned, but that’s fine. I love the answers I get from you guys about fixing all of my troubles. I mean, you solved the problem of my wet dishes in like 10 seconds.  Amazing. So let’s get started. Here’s what’s troubling me today…..

~Last night, while discussing The Bachelor with B, he mentioned that Sean was a virgin (born again, but still). I was all what the? He’s all yeah, it was in US Weekly. I’m not sure what troubles me more, the fact that Sean isn’t, ummm, taking advantage of being The Bachelor or that my husband knew this and I didn’t. No, I know which it is. It’s the fact that my husband knew this first. WTF?

~Speaking of things I am also clueless about, I had no idea that gas prices were on the rise. Seriously people. What has happened to me? I couldn’t even tell you how much a gallon of gas costs. I was watching The Nightly News last night and they were talking about how the prices are so crazy and I was like huh?? B just shook his head. Then it dawned on me that I haven’t gotten gas in awhile. I thought I just didn’t drive anywhere and never needed to fill up. Turns out B fills up my gas tank for me if it’s low when he takes my car out. Hmm.

~Um, so my pin number for my debit card still hasn’t arrived. SLOW DOWN bank / mastercard / whoever is in charge of this hot mess. I wouldn’t want to actually go to the ATM to deposit my ebates check or get cash or anything. And yeah, I still get a check from ebates. Why didn’t I know that there was an option to get it straight to PayPal? Maybe because I signed up like 5 years ago? Who knows?

~So I took my Valentine’s decorations down yesterday. And what’d I put up? NOTHING. Because I am not sure if I should put up St. Patricks Day stuff, or Easter stuff? They are just too close (date wise) and that has me annoyed. I don’t want to skip St. Patricks Day, but I don’t want to have my Easter stuff (including the wreath I made and love) up for only two weeks. And no, I can’t put both up at once. I just can’t. I don’t like to mix holidays. This is totally troubling.

~To this point I’ve been okay with having no cable. However, last night I had a Tupperware conference call and I wanted to pause The Bachelor. Umm, not happening. I was watching it on normal tv and yeah I kinda forget you can’t pause that. This may be an issue.

~And finally, it’s no longer troubling me that my friend Jen is not blogging anymore. Because guess what, she started again!! She’s a mom, a runner, a kick-boxing instructor, and umm, she loves to gamble. Oh and she gets some subscription boxes too. Go follow her!

Now it’s your turn, what’s troubling you today?

ETA: I never deleted those from last week. Oops. But I will have an extra March PopSugar box and will probably give that away.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. kara

    I really don’t have an answer for you, sorry. I am wondering what to do about Easter and St Patty’s day decor. Very frustrating!!

  2. The whole St. Patrick’s Day so close to Easter has me wondering too. I had to lol when you said you can’t mix holidays – it gives me the creeps too 🙂

  3. Alison

    Last night I was watching the biggest loser (without cable) and with SO many commericals I was like how in the world does anyone watch this without DVR?!

  4. Lis

    This cracks me up because I’m the same about gas. The hubs told me it was $74 to fill up my car the other day – I just looked at him like he had a third eye!

    And lol on ebates – I’ve actually been getting them to give me mine in amazon giftcard form! It’s instant and on the first one I think they gave me an extra dollar or something!!

  5. Lisa

    i didnt know the Bach was still holding onto his V-card either….until i saw it on the front cover of Us Weekly in Walmart. hopefully that is all your hub saw and he didnt open up to read the article 😉 i kid, i kid.

    and yes, you should totally do a giveaway with your other PopSugar box 😉

  6. Jenny Louthan

    I think your notes are a carry over 😉

    Just went to Target and you are correct 70%. I did grab the boys each a Spiderman shirt and I got some wrapping paper that came to 89cents. Hmm maybe that is 90% I’ll have to look at original price. Its just a solid red so I’m going to use it for Christmas. I also got some packs of the sesame street charaters for $1.79. We had 4 different kinds and I grabbed one of each for Cs easter basket. oh and my other find was some secret deo that was a 3 pack for 2.50. Woohoo I’m set for awhile now. LOL I may try to hit a different one tomorrow and see if I can find anything else.

  7. Elzabeth

    I always thought it was creepy how the bachelor would sleep with several women while he was “choosing” who his favorite was. Uhmmm….wouldn’t that cause conflict for the woman he eventually chose?! Pretty sure I wouldn’t respect a guy who slept with a few other women while he was dating me!

  8. Stephanie

    I don’t even watch The Bachelor and I knew that about him. Hehe

    Out up St. Paddy’s day decor! Can’t skip it! 🙂

  9. Stephanie

    Oops “put” not “out”

  10. Runjen

    Thanks for the shout out! You rock! 🙂

  11. becky

    I am calling BS on the born again virgin thing. That is just dumb. Once you have had sex you are no longer a virgin…. Just saying.

    I think I am going to mix my St. Patty’s Day and Easter decorations this year. My husband would probably disown me if I didn’t put up all our shamrocks and such. You would have sworn it was him that stepped off the boat at Ellis Island and not his like 17th removed great grandfather (making up the relations, because I don’t really care what relation of his got him to this country).

  12. Lori

    Ok the Bachelor is not Re- virginating. Sorry there is no such thing. I do believe that is just something slutty people made up. Nice try but not buying it….lol!

  13. Kristin

    Wait, you actually get to watch TV??? Try as I might, I can’t get this kid in bed before 9:00. Husband gets home around 6:30, so even though I’ve usually already fed the midget, I do want them to spend some time together….. Then add in how much he hates schedules or feeling rushed, and before you know it she’s in bed just in time for me to collapse. I’ve even tried pointing out how much it would help our “private time” if I wasn’t on the verge of passing out by the time we’re alone, but no luck so far.

  14. Alysia

    I’m wondering if you can subscribe to TiVo?

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