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Friday’s Letters

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Dear All You Thursday Thoughts Linker-Upers, OMG I love you all! I was so excited to look yesterday and see so many of you linking up! You are seriously the best. Please do it again next week too okay?

Dear B, Thank you for not gasping when I showed you my bruise from falling (well sliding) down the stairs the other night (*).  It’s nasty, I know.

Dear Dr. Google, Thank you for always being there for me and making me believe I have something I totally don’t.  I am almost certain that the person who invited WebMD and Candy Crush are one and the same.  And also, thank you for making me think, albeit briefly, that I had internal bleeding and a fever from my fall.

Dear The Fancy Box, Dude, I still have not gotten that shipping notice you promised, oh last Friday.  I’m so done with you.  I’d e-mail you again, but you’ll just e-mail me back acting like I am the stupid one.

Dear L, I am going to miss you this weekend when you are up-north.  But thank you for suggesting that I “make a video” of you to watch when I miss you.  You may just be the cutest thing ever.

Dear Lays Chicken & Waffle Flavored Chips, You are NOT good.  For some reason I thought you’d taste like buttered waffles.  Instead you taste like chicken with syrup on it.  Not good.

Dear PopSugar, As crazy as it may sound, I might not get your next special edition box (which is coming “soon”).  Wait, who am I kidding, we all know I will cave and get it.  But the fact that I don’t want to is progress.

Dear WB,  Let’s try and be super productive this weekend so we can get a ton of stuff done okay?  Starting with going to Target today ;).




(*) Since I can’t really just tell you I fell down the stairs and leave it at that, I will tell you what happened.  It was late (maybe like 12:30am) and I had just gotten done giving WB a bottle (yeah, he still eats best 1/2 asleep) and was headed back downstairs.  Everyone was sleeping and most of the lights were off so it was kind dark.  BAXTER happened to be laying on one of the stairs, right in the middle of the staircase and I didn’t know it.  I went to step on that stair, felt fur and tried to bypass it for the next stair.  HA.  I totally slid and landed in a crumpled mess a few stairs down.  Luckily I didn’t land on my head because no one woke up to save me.  But I’m fine.  Just sore!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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