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Friday’s Letters

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Dear L, When I asked you what it means to be a Daddy and you replied “that you have to work hard” I thought we were headed in a the right direction so I kept going. And then when I asked what it meant to be a L, you said “you get to do fun work” I thought wow, you’re smart. And then I went for it asked asked what it meant to be a mama and you said “you get to do nothing” I knew I should have stopped ;).

Dear Reddit, What exactly are you?  I don’t get you at all.  Should I know more about you?

Dear My Mail Lady (*), I find hard to believe that you can’t leave packages on my porch because people are stealing them and the robbers are “coming down here” and if things get stolen they come out of your check. What? I think part of the problem *might* be that you are delivering mail to the wrong houses. I mean I watched you put a package in my mailbox the other day, drive away and then back up to retrieve it because it wasn’t mine.

Dear Me, If you decide you are going out for sushi, maybe you should make sure that the place you are going actually has sushi. Just because it has fish in the name does not automatically mean they sell sushi. But the salmon I had was amazing.

Dear Las Vegas, Umm, I will be seeing you in the fall. With my children in tow. That free stay offer is too hard to resist. L and I are looking forward to spending time with you. WB, well, WB doesn’t know how amazing you are yet. I can’t wait to show him!

Dear Easter, Why are you so early this year? I feel so unprepared. I wouldn’t mind a few extra weekends of fun Easter activities.  And a little more time to shop.

Dear All of You, It sounds like you would be interested in a weekly newsletter with coupon codes, new box alerts, funny moments from the week (I get some funny comments), etc.   I’m going to work on that.  Probably tonight at 2am.

Dear Michigan State,  Let’s win this game tonight okay?  That’s all.  Just win.




(*) Some random new one, not the one that hates me.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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