Monday Morning Ramblings

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~We had a nice weekend around here. The boys and I went to an Easter party Saturday morning while B ran another 5K (22:39 if you are keeping track) in the snow. I wasn’t going to make the boys visit the EB again, however, he was giving away stuffed bunnies and I knew L would want one, so they did. L had his skating lessons and still hates them. And that’s about it I think? WB is still working on getting a tooth and is also busy perfecting his balance.

The weekend at a glance.

~Now that the teams are set (yesterday was Selection Sunday) you can begin to fill out your bracket for our challenge. Remember, you MUST fill it out by Thursday at noon (I believe) in order to participate and have a chance to win the $100 Lululemon gift card! And if you haven’t joined our group yet, get on it! It’s going to be fun. I always pick with my heart (aka Michigan State) and am big on picking the #12’s over the #5’s and so on. If I have NO CLUE what to pick between two teams, I go by which one is located in a place I’d like to visit more ;). Very scientific.

March Madness
image credit:

~So yeah, my March Favorite Things Giveaway ended last night. I’ll be picking / announcing a winner soon!!! I’m pretty sure that’s all you are looking for right now in the post anyway. But I’m probably not even awake right now (I wrote this in advance), so just hold your horses! Trust me, I am just as excited as you are to see who fun! I will get your package of goodies out today and will order the iPad Mini to ship directly to you as well. Start deciding on what color you want ;).

~You guys, I have not been to the casino in what feels like forever.  I need to go.  Like soon.  I am pretty sure they miss me there too.  I am getting excited just TYPING about going to play my beloved SATC slots.   This is happening soon people.  Soon.

I miss you

~Not that you will be surprised, but I am expecting lots of boxes this week. Let’s see, I am getting: Citrus Lane, Gourmet Spotting, Homegrown Collective, The Little Book Club, Mantry, Pawalla and that might be it?  I should also be receiving Barkbox, Wittlebee, GLOSSYBOX, bluum, The Pink Fancy Box, Dottiebox and Doteable sometime this month as well.  Someone asked on Instagram over the weekend exactly how many boxes I get and yeah, I have no idea.  Dozens I would imagine?  In my defense, I get sent a lot to review or I use referral credits and stuff.  But if I could, I would probably sign up for every single box out there ;). B would totally divorce me though, so it’d just be me, the kids and the boxes. And Baxter ;).

How was your weekend?  What’d you do?  Is anyone hungover from yesterday’s festivities??   What are you looking forward to this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Courtney

    I am pretty sure it should of taken me longer than 10 minutes to do my bracket. Don’t worry I put some Michigan wins in, but went with North Carolina winning overall. Hey! I live here that was my deciding factor, I will also probably not win the $100 card. Ha!

    Um, pick the winner already, you are giving me false sense that I might of won! 😉

    I am now going to hound you to do the post on how you organize all your Target stash.

  2. Jackie

    March Madness…ah yes, well the team I usually am pulling for is disqualified from post-season this year. Way to go UConn. haha.

  3. MurdocksMama

    Looks like you had a great weekend. I’m glad I’m not the only person that loves the SATC slot machines!!! 🙂

  4. Kelley

    I’m sure L will get the hang of skating! Are you guys going to stick with it? We had a skating lesson yesterday and laid low this weekend. The next few weeks will be packed leading up to R’s first birthday (3 days before WB I believe!) They are growing up too fast!

    I am waiting on my Citrus Lane box, should be here today or tomorrow!

  5. RMH

    I should be getting my Citrus Lane & Wittlebee boxes this week! Can you share your top 3 “must have” subscription boxes? Thank you.

  6. Braden

    I love me SATC slots! Only problem is max bet is like $6 – and it’s soooo easy to press that button!

  7. Jenny

    Oh my goodness. We loved the SATC slot machine. It was good to me and some of the others weren’t I should have just stayed. We kept getting mimosas since we played alot in the morning and everytime we got a traffic light we were screaming green light green light green light. I’m sure people thought we were crazy. LOL

    1. Jenny


      Oh and I just did my bracket. LOL I have a system so it doesn’t take long. It id surprise me with who I got to win. I never know who it will be. Not sure how well I’ll do since I picked my school NC State to go farther then normal but it was fun.

  8. Angela

    About to fill out the choices for my bracket…I’m so darn competitive though so I’m reading some tips first lol …oh yeah and hubby isn’t going to divorce me yet, let’s just say he isn’t as excited as I am everytime a new box arrives. They don’t understand! Maybe I should get him a Mantry box 😉

  9. Shannon

    I signed up for your March Madness. I just clicked. 🙂

    I’m getting my first Barkbox this month. Excited!

  10. Mary

    Sounds like a good weekend. Ours was blah. DH started a new job that has him working every Saturday. So he was gone until 730 Saturday night, the boy was camping from Friday night-Sunday afternoon, and I worked 10am-1030pm last night at my “extra” job. And then couldn’t fall asleep when I got home, and had to be up at 630 for my regular job. BOO.

    It’s monday and I already can’t wait for next weekend 😉 And pick me pick pick me. haha 🙂

  11. Jen

    Sounds like a good weekend and yay for Easter parties!

  12. Sara

    Ha I totally picked my teams on place I have been. Most happened to be a top seed but I like to throw in some wild cards.

  13. Ashley C.

    Mail days must be the greatest days at your house, thats all I’ve got to say! I literally run to the mailbox once I see the mailman leave. Unless its bills … then someone else can have them.

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