Friday’s Letters

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Dear Ryan Lochte, I’m sorry, but I was CRACKING up at this interview you did. But I will admit, you are insanely good looking though and I am certainly going to watch your reality show.

Dear TMZ, Why in the world did you ruin my eyesight forever with those pictures of Tanning Mom on the beach? My eyes will never recover. And Tanning Mom, who in the world wanted those pictures??

Dear Me, Stop reading TMZ.

Dear My Fitbit Challenge Ladies, It’s ON. I’m going to need to learn to walk and type because this challenge is serious business. There are prizes involved and I want to WIN!

Dear WB, Now that you are no longer a baby, is it really okay to continue to call you WB? Should I will have to call you WK (Willie Kid) now? We’ll see.

Dear Susan L, For some reason, I cannot respond to any of your comments. My e-mails always get sent back to me ;(. Don’t think I am ignoring you okay? I wanted to discuss Javi’s proposal on Teen Mom!!! Who else is going to talk to me about this?

Dear L, I am so glad that you finally found a tv show we both like. Garfield. Now that is a good cartoon! I love me some Odie. That is one cute dog!

Dear This Week, I believe it goes without saying, but you have been totally awful. Boston. The letters. Texas ;(. But I have to say that I was reminded this week that there is more good than evil in this world and for that I am thankful.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Jen

    Hahaha that interview was so funny!

  2. Alison

    I looked at like ALL 100 of those tanning mom pictures yesterday… WHYY!???!!!

  3. Ashley C.

    Gee thanks — I had no idea what you were talking about, so I had to look at the tanning pics. My eyes! I havent watched this week’s teen mom … but you know I love me some Javi [even if it makes me feel slightly pedo-ish! haha]

  4. Hilary

    OH dear… I haven’t seen this latest video but in every single one I’ve seen in the past, he sounds dumber than a door knob. Poor thing.

  5. Becky

    Ugh… I am so far behind on teen mom 2. I think I have like four or five episodes that I still need to watch.

    And WB will always be WB!!

  6. Carly

    Oh my god…I don’t know why I felt compelled to click on that link, despite your description and now I can’t ever erase that from my mind. I about peed my pants when Kristin Wiig played her on SNL.

  7. Alexia561

    The Ryan interview was too funny! Good thing he’s cute!

    How about WB = Willie Boy? Like a cool nickname or something?

  8. Sue

    Fitbit challenge???? I’m in!!

  9. Susan

    I cannot stop laughing at that Ryan Lochte interview. I love when the interviewer asks how they’re going to get 13 weeks of programming out of that. Too funny. And I only looked at the 1st tanning mom picture & had to avert my eyes for fear of blindness. I’m with you, I need to stop reading TMZ.

  10. Jill

    WB stands for Willie Baby? All this time I thought his name was William Bryan. Doh!! >.< My sincere apologies!

  11. Susan Lowry

    I have no idea why you cant respond. I was so looking forward to your recap of Javi’s proposal. I thought it was really sweet but then started to wonder how much the producers had a hand in it. At any rate, I think he was much more sincere than another proposals I have seen on Teen Mom. And less ackward.

  12. Hillary

    I want in on the fitbit challenge! mine just came yesterday!

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