So What Wednesday!

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So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~I let L play the crane game every time we go to the grocery store.
~It still blows my mind that some people don’t understand a link-up.  Nothing drives me crazier than when I go visit all the links in a link-up (mine or someone elses) and someone didn’t even post on the topic.  Just randomly threw their link in.  AHHHHHH.
~I have not planned one single thing for WB’s first birthday party.  It’s a small party, but still.  Maybe I should at least think about it.
~I make L promise me that he’s going to live with me forever.  B looks at me like I am crazy every single time.
~I think I am going to get B a couples massage for his birthday because I really really want need a massage.
~Every possible delivery person came to my house yesterday.  FedEx even came twice.
~My SIL brought me two cans of Sauve Dry Shampoo to Easter dinner and it was possibly the highlight of my Easter!

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Wendy

    We are so guilty of the Crane machine thing too with our 5 year old! I linked up for the first time this week too! Have a great Wednesday! 🙂

  2. Jen

    Couples massages are the best, we are in desperate need of one as well.

  3. Becky

    I would love to see what your mail delivery looks like. I bet is crazy!

  4. Jodi

    I can’t believe someon links up and didn’t actually DO it!! Yuck, I’d be frustrated too!., ok, so the Suave dry is good stuff?? I need to get me some, I’ve never tried a dry shampoo, and shampoo every day cause my hair is thin and fine, maybe a dry shampoo would work!

  5. Karla

    The Suave Dry Shampoo is a life saver!!!!

  6. Alexia561

    Sounds like you SIL really “gets” you! 🙂

  7. Mary Q.

    Perhaps some people just want to get their links out there? Still, sucks that they’d put their link and not even TRY to write a short, relevant post.

    Hahahaha oh no you’re going to be the crazy mother-in-law who insists on moving in. 😉 I’ve told my boyfriend from day one that that will NOT happen with his parents. They can live next door, across the street, or even in (our imaginary) pool house, but not in my household!

    Have you had a couples massage before? I am curious if there’s anything special about it… are you supposed to talk to your spouse during the massage?

    LOL I wish I got so many deliveries.

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