A Poll: If you see a penny on the ground, do you pick it up?

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Lately L has been super into looking for (and picking up) money on the ground when we are out shopping or whatever and I am curious, do you pick up a penny if you see it? I feel like years ago, I would have seen a penny on the ground and wouldn’t even have bothered. Actually, I probably wouldn’t even have noticed it. A quarter, maybe, because quarters are fun, but a penny? Meh.

But now, not only do I pick them up, I actively look for them. I mean, without me, L would never find anything. I kinda find it, point him in the right direction and then let him discover it on his own. He gets so excited when he sees a penny or gasp, a dime and scoops it right up. Yeah, I know, money on the ground is dirty. So are Target carts.  But he’s saving for his bunk beds (*) and every little bit counts.

Once place we always seem to find change in the parking lot is Lowe’s.  I don’t know what it is about Lowe’s, but there are always pennies in the parking lot.  I swear, next time you go, look!  They could end up funding a trip to Hawaii!

So tell me, do you pick up pennies if you see them?  If not, what would you pick up?  Dimes?  Quarters?  Or do you just go for the paper bills?  Let’s hear it!

(*) Have I mentioned why L wants bunk beds? He thinks we are all going to sleep in the same room once we have bunk beds.  He thinks B and I will sleep on the bottom bunk and him on the top.  It’s sweet, yes, but totally not happening and why I continue to delay the bunk bed purchase.  I need to wait till WB is bigger so WB can sleep on the bottom and L can sleep on the top!!  Because no matter what I say, he insists that no, once you have bunk beds people need to sleep on the bottom bunk.  It’s kinda like how he thinks B is Batman. No matter what you say, he still insists B is Batman ;).
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Alicia

    I swear, you have the most adorable kids!

  2. Gina F.

    I never used to pick up pennies but I do now. Not that long ago I was finding them everywhere I walked. In odd places and in groups, not just one penny. I had gone to a medium not long after and he said that my grandfather had a message for me, “I hear you and I leave coins on the ground for you all the time”! I pick them up always because they are my pennies from heaven!

  3. Ellen A.

    I’ll stop for anything but pennies. Vending machines don’t take pennies, so they aren’t worth my time… lol.

    And it’s adorable that L thinks once he gets bunkbeds, you’ll all sleep together… maybe one night, you can try it… ha ha.

  4. Lyndie Burris

    I said yes but my answer is conditional. I only pick them up if they are heads up. Someone once told me that it was good luck if they were heads up so I pick those up.

    My nephews are the same as L…a quarter might as well be a hundred dollar bill. LOL

  5. Kyra

    Yep I am constantly looking for money on the ground and pointing it out to M, he is beyond thrilled with anything that he finds…I also really need to start checking pockets because of this but at least it’s then clean money!

  6. Jen

    Haha I love his thoughts on bunk beds. 🙂

  7. Jenny

    No I don’t do pennies. If I happen to see a quarter I’ll grab it but I don’t really look. I do love when someone at Aldis gives me there cart and won’t take a quarter from me for it. If someone is in the lot when I come out I pass it on but if noone is there then the quarter is mine. LOL N loves putting quarters in for the carts. He thinks its so much fun silly boy.

  8. Jen K

    Awwwww…. B is Batman! Sigh!

  9. Shelby

    I pick up change. Meh, why not lol.

    “See a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck!” haha I <3 Grease!

  10. Tori

    Ok, so, I am not really that superstitious, but I only pick up pennies if they are heads up. If picking up a penny that is face down really is bad luck, then I don’t want it 🙂

  11. Kali

    I will sometimes pick up a penny if it is head’s side up because that’s supposed to be good luck. I definitely don’t pick up if it is tails side up, since that is supposed to be bad luck. Weird, I know!

  12. Evelyn

    I only pick up the one’s that are heads up.(for goodluck) If it’s tails up you flip it over and leave it for the next person. 🙂

  13. Alexia561

    You mean B isn’t Batman? Darn it! *L*

    As for picking up pennies, unless it’s grossly dirty or gunky, I always pick up change when I see it! After awhile, it adds up. Our best find was a $50 bill in the parking lot of a nursery! No one was around and we hung out for awhile in case someone came rushing back to look for it, but after that figured it was finders keepers. 🙂

  14. Sophia

    I always get a kick out of the Batman story!! Have you thought about just dropping money (dimes, quarters, gasp DOLLARS!) on the floor just so he can find them?

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