Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~The garage sale is going well!!! And at the end of today everything will either be sold or donated and that makes me smile ;).

One more day!

~L is having a great time selling lemonade and spent some of his earnings on the ice-cream truck for him and WB last night!  And it was the fancy ice cream truck which made my boys smile because they got super fun character ice-creams (Scooby Doo and Batman).

L thought it looked like SD and that's all that matters ;)
L thought it looked like SD and that’s all that matters 😉

~L’s kindergarden meet the teacher (*) is NEXT week.  I can’t even believe it.  I am so NOT ready for this, but so excited for him at the same time.  School starts in just over a week and I suppose it’s time we get that school supply list tackled!

~OMG, OMG, OMG, I think I fixed my laptop issue!  For the past few weeks (maybe months), I’ve been getting this “Disk Space” error and it’s drove me insane.  I cleaned out everything from my laptop.  Everything.  I backed up everything on an external hard-drive and deleted all my photos.  It still didn’t fix it.  WTF!  Turns out you need to also empty your iPhoto trash.  I had no idea this was necessary and it explains why my computer was acting like such a jerk.  It took a while to delete them all, but problem solved!  Score!!!

That seems like a lot of pictures.
That seems like a lot of pictures.

~Congrats to Melissa Be**y who won the 6-month Citrus Lane giveaway and  Christina To****s who won the August PopSugar Box giveaway!  I never got around to posting a new giveaway yesterday, so it’ll be up today I promise!

~All my delayed boxes have arrived and I have tons of reviews to do and I love it!  Tons of boxes is better than no boxes that’s for sure!

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?

(*) He didn’t get my first choice school (BOO). He does already have friends at the school he is going to though, so it’s fine!
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Megan

    Playing with my six month old son! On Tuesday I go back to work. (I’m a teacher.) But I have simply loved spending the summer with my baby boy!

  2. Ashley C.

    Aww that’s awesome that L is selling lemonade! I mean really, who could say no to his sweet face?!

  3. Mrs. L

    Whats making me smile today? My husbands birthday. We went to a steak house in SF. We bought Wagu beef. REAL Wagu from Japan.
    At $42
    Holy expensive beef batman! But OMG was it good!

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