Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
B’s June Birchbox Man box arrived today and, as always, we were excited to see it. I wish that the my Birchboxes arrived early in the month like the men’s ones do ;). While I’m wishing, I also wish that the Women’s boxes were $20 like the men’s and included a lifestyle item like the men’s ones do.
Birchbox Man ships via UPS Mail Innovations and the tracking on it isn’t the best. Once it shows up as received into my local post office, the tracking stops. No matter. It always arrives, so I am happy.
Although B was home when the box came, I opened it myself anyway. He gets all annoyed when I stop him to take pictures, so he doesn’t care. I make sure to wrap it back up all nice for him ;).
I always peek at the “big” lifestyle items in the Birchbox Man spoiler videos and then peek at the rest later when they post the boxes. B never ever peeks and I admire his willpower. I don’t know how he does it.
The June Birchbox Man theme is all about the great escape. Specifically you summer escape plans. Whether, it’s long lunches or a full-fludged sabbatical, Birchbox wants to help you make a well-timed exit and to cover your tracks!
~Old Spice Pure Sport Bar Soap ($1.33): When I first saw a spoilers of this box, I was like seriously Birchbox? OLD SPICE? Come on. But I shouldn’t have judged without smelling first because I love it. No, for real. I would buy this! Birchbox classifies it as a “Birchbox Score”. The sticker on the box says “We work hard to bring you the best high-end grooming supplies each month, but we’re also always on the lookout for the greatest affordable finds”. I’d say this fits the bill.
~Stowaway Shades ($25):I don’t know if B would buy something like these on his own, but they are handy to have for sure. I probably folded them and unfolded them up a dozen times since they arrived this afternoon. B will probably leave these in his gym bag or at work or something so he is never without sunglasses. You really can’t have too many pairs.
~Kerastase | Bain Capital Energizing Shampoo ($3.12): I knew this sounded familiar, so I did a little digging on the blog and realized that, umm, B got this back in December. Sort of. He got the “Densifying” back in December and this is the “Energizing”. This shampoo is packed with vitamins and amino acids to fight thinning. I don’t think B will even have a problem with thinning hair, but I suppose you never know. And also, is there some connection between BainCapital and Kerastase? Does anyone know??? Because I link the two every time i hear about this shampoo and say it’s name.
~Grooming Lounge | Best for Last Aftershave ($8.80): I don’t know much about this brand other than it’s nongreasy, sting-free and calms and heals freshly shaved skin. Sounds good to me and I know B is looking forward to giving it a test drive.
~LAFACE Laboratories | TRITON for Men Mattifying Moisturizer ($3.25): This pick is by DETAILS magazine who Birchbox partnered with this month to bring us the top grooming products of the season. I’m all over the the idea of a matte moisturier and I know B is too, but I wish the sample was a tad bigger. Like after B dips into there once, it’ll be done!
All totaled, B’s June Birchbox Man had a value of $41.50, (NOT including points for doing reviews and purchasing the box itself (*) – which would bring the value up to $48.50), which was, as always, way more than the $20 price tag. We totally love Birchbox Man and B looks forward to receiving this box every month.
Do you subscribe to Birchbox Man? What’d you think of this month’s box? If you are interested in subscribing or want to learn more, click here
. And while you are there don’t forget to check out the Limited Edition Handsome + Hungry Father’s Day Box
and of course, the Birchbox Bonus Shop!
I was going to post this on your FB page but I can’t let my husband see it (it’s his Father’s Day gift). I found a site called Dive Bar T-Shirt Club. They send you a t-shirt a month from random dive bars for $22 a month. The past t-shirts are really cool and it looks like a great man gift! http://www.divebarshirtclub.com/
LOL. I showed my BF this and he was extremely jealous. He gets birchbox man but got socks instead of the sunglasses!
I really wish my husband used something more than my shampoo, shaving cream and Nivea aftershave. I asked if he would like a box and he told me I could use the stuff b/c he probably wouldn’t. *roll eyes*
I was finally allowed to order after waiting like three weeks! So I am super excited to get it for my boyfriend. I know he was looking forward to it too. I hope he likes it.
Oh my gosh, have you seen the new Birchbox website?? It’s so crazy different, I was in shock!
My husband got the exact same Birchbox this month. I think the sunglasses look a little silly, but they are good to stash in the car so you’re never without them.
This calls for a pickup that’s set closer to the fret board. The main thing that attracted me are the sidedot inlays. Not to be outdone, Agile Partners–which has made several guitar cases for sale-oriented apps for iPhone, including the mobile phone. This forms the basis of the acoustic and electric features and you won’t get much sound out of his
head” the past week, saying people were after him.
Hormones, age and physical activity all play an integral role in determining how much cellulitis while pregnant a patient has.