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My June Love With Food box arrived yesterday and the (little) boys and I couldn’t wait to dig right into it. I had checked out some spoilers so I knew they’d be something in it for all of us to enjoy.
Love With Food is one of my favorite inexpensive food boxes. I love the cause (for every box purchased, Love With Food donates a meal to hungry child which I love. Actually they donated two meals per box this month ;). I’m pretty sure I will never cancel for that reason alone. I just can’t take that meal away. I can’t.
The June Love With Food is the first month in ages that I think I might actually be able to repack this box. For serious. I didn’t actually try and can’t now because half the snacks are gone, but I feel like this would have been my month ;).
The June Love With Food theme was Summer Beach Bash and includes things to pack in your picnic basket. Here’s what was included:
~Roasted Seaweed from Seaweed Love: Seaweed. Twice in one month. I think my feelings on seaweed are clear. I am NOT a fan. It’s so salty. And I still can’t talk L into even trying it. Maybe I’ll see if WB wants some. Because I’m not putting it in my picnic basket.
~Coconut + Mango Fruit Ice from Smooze: Why did I forget these excited? It’s a perfect size for kids and I am so certain this is going to be such a huge hit that I already ordered more. I would have let L have it right away, but (obviously) it needs to be frozen. I’ll let him have it today for sure.
~Gluten-Free Pineapple Coconut Cereal Bar from Do More Bars: I had this for breakfast this morning and really enjoyed it. It’s not exactly like a rice krispie treat (it has brown rice and fruit in it too), but it’s good. I would totally get this again.
~Organic Fruity Bears from Surf Sweets: These bears are made from organic fruit juice and L gave his seal of approval. He had them yesterday after we got home from shopping / playing. He’d saw them in the box and claimed them as his right away. We already ordered more.
~Sweet Plantain Chips from Turbana: I’ve had these before, but I can’t place where. I feel like it was a LWF box, but I’m not sure. They are good though and L and I will totally eat these today! Maybe I’ll put them in a muffin tin meal for him. It’s been too long since I made him one.
~All-Natural Fruit and Soy Bar from SoyJoy: I’m not a huge fan of SoyJoy bars, but I am guessing B will eat it. As I recall he enjoys SoyJoy bars and has eaten all the ones that have arrived here for whatever reason.
~Pomegranate Mint Chewing Gum form PUR Gum: I don’t like gum, so this will totally go to B, but if I did like gum, I would be very interested in this flavor. Pomegranate mint??? Interesting!
~Organic Hard Candy from GoOrganic: I ate these while writing this review and I wished I had more. These are super delicious. They have also popped up in a previous LWF box and I hope they pop up again!
~Organic Drink Mix from Flavorz: Ohh, this looks fun. It’s a mix you add to your water to make it flavored and I can’t wait to see how it tastes. I am cool with my Spark, but I am certainly not going to give that to L, so he’ll think this is cool because he can try it too.
The June Love With Food box also included a $50 gift certificate for Naked Wines. I still haven’t used the one I got in my Goodies Box a few months ago yet, so I need to get on that!
Did you get Love With Food this month? What’d you think? As always, I LOVED it!! If you are interested in signing up click here. Subscriptions are $12/month, but you can use the code “FBGIFT″ to get your first box free! You only pay shipping (which is $2)!
We got our LWF box yesterday and I was so excited to make everyone in the house try the seaweed. I just wish I would have been able to get pictures of the faces that they all made. I think the grown ups in the house made much worse faces than the babies. The general consensus was that no one was fan 🙂 I was very excited to see the nakedwine coupon, but sadly they won’t ship to my state :*(
I liked this month’s box better than last months, even with the seaweed! Haven’t worked up the nerve to try it yet because, well, it’s seaweed. *L*
What’s a muffin tin meal?
Looks good I feel like I am the last person to get my boxs
Got my first LWF box yesterday. Husband got my a 3 month gift subscription for Mother’s Day. Hooray! So far, I’ve tried the fruity bears and the hard candy. My 3 year old was also a fan of both. My husband has claimed dibs on the cereal bar. Not sure if anyone here is brave enough to try the seaweed just yet. Love the concept of providing meals for others too.
I also wondered what a muffin tin meal was, just putting different thing in the individual slots? Cute idea!
I was not thrilled with this box…. but I got a six month deal or something so it’s worth the money I suppose. I’m just never super thrilled when I open it every month. I tried seaweed once, nearly barfed. I think it is super gross! Now the fresh stuff you get a sushi place, I LOVE and could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! This crap, not so much!
I finally caved and subscribed to Love with Food thanks to your reviews. Thanks to your code I got my first box free!!! I signed up for a 6 month sub and can’t wait for my first box!! Fantastic!! Thank you!!