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Thursday Thoughts

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Thursday Thoughts

~So yesterday was L’s preschool graduation. It was adorable of course and L did SO good remembering the songs they sang and looked so stinkin cute in his little cap. When he got his diploma and his teacher asked what he wanted to be was he grew up, I was a tad scared because I didn’t know what he’d say. You never know what kids are going to come up with you know? He said scientist, which would be a fine profession, so I was proud. This little girl in his class however declared she wanted to be a witch when she grew up. I was DYING. A witch. Her mom thought it was hysterical too and had no idea she was going to say that. I loved it. And I know I already posted this on instagram, but it’s so cute I am posting it again here. Can you believe how much he changed since the beginning of the year? Where did my baby go??

~I should be getting the rest of the Advocare Spark samples out tomorrow, so if you have one coming be on the lookout!  Make sure to let me know how much you like it okay?  I don’t be offended or anything if it’s not your thing!  And if you didn’t get a sample, but want one, I’ll probably do it again in a month or two, so watch Facebook.


~Every night before I go to bed I turn the fan off in our bedroom. I cannot stand that thing being on when I sleep.  Is that weird?  Because I feel like it might be?  B has it like a hurricane in there though.  So so so windy.  It’s just too much.  Do you like to sleep with the ceiling fan on?

Not our exact fan but I doubt you really care what our ceiling fans look like.

~Let’s see, I am expecting Stork Stack, LipFactory and the Little Book Club to come this week.  And the Honest Co., which I never review (no clue why), but do still get every 6 weeks. B gets Dollar Shave Club every month and I don’t review that one either.  There is only so much I can tell you about razors. We like them.  They are cheap and good.  Pawalla and PopSugar have shipped, but I don’t expect those until next week.  I am totally anxious to see if the June PopSugar box is as good as the May’s one was.   Ohh, and no, I didn’t get a tracking e-mail yet for June’s PopSugar Must Have Box.  Here’s the trick.  Take your subscription / order # and go to FedEx and track by reference.  You’ll be able to see if your box shipped and where it’s at.  Mine usually ships from CA, but this month is coming from NY, so fingers crossed it arrives more quickly.  I still have reviews coming for KlutchClub and Carefree Crafts too!

~If you haven’t already, go check out the “Pimp Your Blog” post from a few days ago. There are a ton of great blogs in there to add to your readers!! I am hoping to get a chance very soon (like tonight or tomorrow) to go visit everyone’s blogs. I saw a lot of new faces in there and thought that was great! If you haven’t dropped your link in there yet, there’s still time. Oh and I changed it from three columns to two columns so it’s much easier to read now. It was a mess before. I am still planning on doing the “What Do You Sell” link-up either today or tomorrow (does anyone have a preference?). That’s going to be for your etsy shops, your direct selling links (Thirty-One, Avon, whatever), Facebook shop, things along those lines. I am always looking for new etsy shops and I love to buy all that stuff without attending in-home parties, so I can’t wait to see what this brings!

~What’s everyone doing this weekend?  Any big plans?  L is going up-north with my parents, so that leaves just WB here with us this weekend.  B actually has two races this weekend (a 5K foam run on Saturday and a 10K on Sunday) but other than that, we have no plans.  We were thinking about the zoo, but that’s no fun without L.  Everything is boring without L.  WB isn’t going to be happy he’s gone!!  But I am seriously going to try and do something about the basement storage room over the weekend.  I NEED to put things aside for our garage sale or we’ll never actually do it.

That’s it from here.  What’s on your mind today?  Don’t forget to link-up below!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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