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Some Subscription Box News & Deals & Steals

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Just some things…

Martha Stewart GLOSSYBOXMartha Stewart GLOSSYBOX
Martha Stewart GLOSSYBOX

~So Martha Stewart Living has paired up with GLOSSYBOX to offer a one time only “Summer Essentials” box for $15. It includes 3 beauty products and a 6-month subscription to Martha Stewart Living. And that’s all we know. I’m all over this box for a few reason. I love Martha Stewart and my subscription to MSL ended a few months ago and I haven’t renewed yet. And, umm, it’s only $15. It’s a win-win. And you can go through ebates to get $2.75 cash back, which makes it only $12.25.

Elizabeth & Clarke on Fab.comElizabeth & Clarke on
Elizabeth & Clarke on

~Elizabeth & Clarke is on through Wednesday 7/24/13. You can pick up a voucher for one shirt for $20 (reg. $35), two shirts for $30 (regular $50) or three shirts for $35 (reg. $60). The shirts are very high quality and I’ve always been impressed with the pieces I have received.

Craft Coffee on Fab.comCraft Coffee on
Craft Coffee on

~Craft Coffee is also on  You can currently get a 2-month coffee subscription for $44.98 (reg. $49).  Not a huge savings, but hey, if were thinking about trying it anyway, might as well save a few dollars.

~The Target Summer Clearance is still going strong and I run to two stores today – just to look.  I picked up a table for my neighbor (I haven’t told her yet, so Crystal if you are reading, I found you a blue star table) and a few more Justice League items.  I *think* it may go to 90% off tomorrow in some places and Wednesday in others.  I cannot wait!  Let the hunting begin!  And don’t forget, SCAN things to confirm prices.  It may be marked 70% off, but it could really be 90% off!  And don’t just limited yourself to the special clearance area.  Wander around the store and see what items have been misplaced.

Allure Fall 2013 Beauty Box

~And finally, don’t forget to set your alarms for 12:01pm EDT tomorrow because that’s when the Allure Fall 2013 Beauty Box goes on sale. It’s $39.99 (plus shipping) and is worth $350!  Their seasonal boxes sell out FAST, so if you want it don’t wait seriously, set an iPhone alarm.  That’s what I did!

Heard of any great deals lately?  Please share!

Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate / referral links!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!