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My Julep Maven Box arrived a few days ago and I suppose I should admit it now, yeah, I went for the full collection again. I loved the colors this month and when they put it them all together, it’s nail polish porn and I can’t help myself.

I am totally loving the new Julep boxes! I didn’t even know what it was when I opened my mailbox – I was expecting the normal black box to show up.
Oh yeah and not only did I get the full collection, I got an add-on. In my defense, it’s going to be for one of my giveaways in August. I’m not sure if I mentioned it on here, but I think I am going to host a dozen (give or take – probably take) separate giveaways this month instead of an August Favorite Things One.
Julep cut the information cards this month in an effort to reduce paper materials in their boxes and I can appreciate that. The August Julep Maven month’s theme was “Garden Party”.
~Julep Marjorie (It Girl) ($14 /$11.20): Marjorie is a citrus orange frost and is one of my favorites in the box. It’s got a little shimmer, but not too much!
~Julep Bea (Bombshell) ($14 /$11.20): Bea is a lemonade crème and looks to me to be on the greener side of yellow, which I like. It’s not bright yellow like most (all) of my other yellows, so this is a nice addition.
~Julep Francis (Boho Glam) ($14 /$11.20): Francis is a celery green crème and you know what, that’s exactly what it reminds me of. Celery (which I don’t like BTW). While it’s a pretty color, I don’t think it’s one I will reach for often.
~Julep Lacey (Bombshell) ($14 /$11.20): Lacey is a midnight blue with purple shimmer and is probably my favorite color in the collection. It reminds me more of winter than a garden party, but I love it.
~Julep Fiore (It Girl) ($14 /$11.20): Fiore is an espresso brown crème and while very very pretty, I already have a dark brown and don’t use it often. I want a dark color, I usually go for blues or reds or purples. I just don’t grab brown.
~Julep Sylvia (Classic With A Twist) ($14 /$11.20): Sylvia is a lilac purple crème and is like nothing I have. I think this is going to be great with some glitter over it!
~Julep Nellie (It Girl) ($14 /$11.20): Nellie is a pink fuschia crème and of course, I love it. I am serious about my pink polishes and feel like you can never have enough.
~Julep Veronica (Classic With a Twist) ($14 /$11.20): Veronica is a modern mauve crème and I don’t love it. I think it’s my least favorite in the collection. It’s just not me at all.
~Julep Lois (Boho Glam) ($14 /$11.20): Lois is a dusty rose frost and is more very pretty. It’s less brown and more pink in real life and again, with a coat of glitter, it will be amazing. Speaking of glitter polish, how do you easily remove it? Have I asked this before? Any tips?
~Julep Moisture Mask Trio ($20 / $16): This is a trio of moisturizing masks for you nails, hands and feet (one mask for each). I kind of wish they were all feet masks, because these are right up my alley. The treatment only lasts 30 minutes, which is great because I can’t commit to much longer than that. Does anyone know if there is a similar product out there that I can just buy for feet? Not those thick socks. Something like this.
~Julep Double Step ($22 / $17.60): This stick “moisturizes feet, stimulates circulation, and prevents blisters” in a no mess way. I am so weird and if I determine that my feet are, in any way, dry, need to lotion them up right away, so I am throwing this in my bag for just that purpose! I *almost* bought an extra one that I like it so much, but I am guessing I will be able to trade for one, so I restrained myself.
~Julep Forget-Me-Not Seeds: The little bonus item this month was forget-me-not seeds, which we will totally use. We’ve got a wildflowers growing around the house and these will be a nice addition.
All totaled the August Julep “Garden Party” full collection had a value of $168 (or $134.40 if you are using Maven pricing). Of course I would never pay $168 for the items, but $50? That’s a deal! Regular boxes are $19.99/month and it’s only an additional $30 to upgrade to the full collection.
Did you get a Julep Maven Garden Party box this month? What was your favorite color in the box? If you are interested in signing up, or just want to learn more, click here. And, as always, you can use code “FREEBOX” to score your first box free (you pay shipping which I think is $3.99). If you want to see if how you like the Julep colors / formulas, this is the best way!
I totally skipped this month. 🙁 I got so many polishes last month that I needed a little break and none of these colors just screamed at me. Again in the we must be related field
I can not stand celery. No raw, no cooked no celery salt the taste is just nasty. LOL and as for glitter I’d love to hear what you get. My latest attemps have involved soaking for a few minutes and then putting on a cotton square and holding on the nail and then rubrubrub. Its a process but since I love glitter I’m going to keep it up.
I quit subscribing to Julep a couple of months ago because I have WAY too many polishes as it is. Also because their formulas seemed way too thick to me. When I would take it off, my nails looked really damaged and dry. I did notice that they were getting better as the months went by though. What do you think about their polishes now?
Reviews Until You Drop
I skipped this month. I only liked the champagne trio and the fiore. Maybe I can do those as add ons soon. I have been saving my points. Think I am going to break down and by the rock star hand cream. Its amazing!!!!!
I miss Julep. They are definitely my fave. Can you please take a photo of your nail polish collection? I know I have a lot, but I bet yours is amazing!!
I got Bea, Lacey and Lois. I LOVE Lacey! Bea is not my favorite; I’m just meh about it. Lois is very pretty and works great in uniform. Got to be conservative! Again, should have added on Marjorie. I love me some orange and corals, especially with shimmery ones! I like the Julep frost polishes better than the cremes.
I skipped August. I like that they include the add-on’s in the monthly box now. Is the box the same width/length as before?? It looks a little wider… I hope it isn’t any bigger or it won’t fit into my condo mailbox!
I have to admit, I’m a total Julep grouch. The thing is that the nail polish bottles are half the size of regular ones. I knew that, but it wasn’t till recently that I thought about it enough to realize that that means if I buy the It Girl box, three polishes for $20, each little half-bottle is $6.67… which is the same as charging $13.34 if they had full-size bottles!! I think they inflate their prices on the body care products too; I like the looks of that foot stick but comparable products are less than $10. (Thinking of stuff like the deep steep moisture sticks.)
I guess the big boxes might be the one thing they have that’s a good value, because $50 for the equivalent of four and a half bottles of nail polish, plus the masks and foot stick, might actually be with more than $50. I don’t know how much those kinds of masks go for, but the rest is probably worth about $42.
Hmm, the masks might be a great deal because I found foot masks for like $13-$23 by themselves on Amazon! http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00C697HFO Bringing the value of the box up to like $55-$65.
First off, I don’t really do pink. Its too pretty/girly for me but I love veronica. I’ve been wearing it for a few days. I’ve got Sylvia on my toes. Neither colors are very me but I like them both more than I thought I would. Accent nail on fingers is a-england she walks in beauty. Which I think is the only reason I’ve been gravitating towards pink lately.
To remove glitter polishes I’ve been using Target’s up and up brand acetone nail polish remover. It’s got a blue cap and it says right on the bottle it works for glitter, gel, and artificial nails. I’ve used it to remove glitter and it works great.
This is how you remove glitter nail polish…seems a little weird but I’ve tried it and it 100% works!
Ok, along with my comment was a link which apparently didn’t come through…it’s a link to a pin of mine on Pinterest that’s public. Anyway, you take a cotton pad and rip it in half (one half for each finger), put nail polish remover on it, wrap it around your finger then wrap a small piece of tin foil over it. Leave on for 10 minutes then remove – glitter nail polish will be all or almost gone and if it’s not all gone then it will remove easily just by rubbing it a little more with the cotton pad/nail polish remover. Totally works!
I was born in 88 so I don’t know if it wasn’t around growing up or what. My parent’s although introduced me to it, and I have loved it ever since!
I opted for the three polishes this time around – I liked those colors the best and already have a bandaid foot blister stick! I was really proud of myself for not getting the whole collection….then accidentally purchased the golden mystery box for 30% off. oh crap.
I completely skipped Julep this month. I just didn’t like any of the colors, and I don’t think I love the formula either. Plus I have the same issue that Dani mentioned. I don’t like that the bottle are half sized.
I also skipped because I’m getting my first Bondi NY box this month, and that will have 3 polishes. I’m going to see what I think of that service before I order any more Julep boxes. If I end up liking Bondi as much as I think I will, I’ll probably just use my Jules for another bottle of the Dry Oil Spray, then cancel.
Can you take a pic of all your Julep collection and another of your entire Nail Paint collection? You have so many! Wow.
I completely forgot about Julep this month. And I guess Julep had technical issues this month because a number of subscribers did not receive the reminder emails (or it appeared as an illegible bunch of characters). So I did not look at this month’s selection, instead my normal box (It Girl) was automatically sent to me.
I was so disappointed when I opened the box that I called Julep to complain. I decided to ship the box back to them and receive a refund. One of the colors I liked, but the other two I would never wear.
I like some of the other colors. Maybe I would have picked Bombshell.