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After what seemed like ages (but was really only 5 days) my August bluum box arrived today. I have lots of boxes coming this week, but they are coming all spaced out which I didn’t expect. It’s good for my mail lady, but bad for my patience.
bluum ships via FedEx Smart Post, which I have recently determined isn’t the slowest shipping method possible – DHL Global is.
I knew right away that my box was missing something. They usually send your product list the day your box arrives, but it appears my box was late according to their schedule, so I had actually received my list yesterday. I’m going to list everything below that I was suppose to receive below and let you know what did / didn’t come!
My August bluum theme was “World of Colors” which is the 20 month-old bluum box theme. Although bluum uses the same themes for each monthly age group box (i.e. the 19 month-old box will always be “Let’s Make Friends”, the 18 month-old box will always be Lil’ Artiste”, etc.), not everyone gets the same items in their box. The box contents will vary from month to month and I really don’t get it. Sometimes two people will get the same theme in the same month and will get different items? I’ve said it before, but it has to be very difficult to track something like this.
~Flash Cards by Carson Dellosa ($2.99): I’m going to wait until WB gets a little older for these, but they will certainly come in handy. And I actually think L will enjoy them now. He knows all of them, but he does enjoy practicing things like this!
~Ella’s Kitchen – Nibbly Fingers-Mangoes/Carrots (N/A): Umm, so I got one fairly smushed nibbly finger. We do love these and I buy them for WB often, I found it a tad odd that I got ONE, while someone who got the same box as me this month got the entire box. Ie-mailed them about this and I will let you know what they say.
~Colors Board Book (Chunky Fun) by Bendon Publishing International ($7.99): Board books are always a win around here and this is no exception. WB is getting really into books, but is super rough on them so board books are where it’s at.
~Melissa And Doug – Color-Flap Mirror Clacking Toddler Toy ($9.99): This is super cute and might be one of the only little M&D toys we don’t have. I love when babies look at themselves in the mirror. I know WB knows it’s him, but man is he excited to see himself ;).
~French Dvd Colors And Shapes In The Park by Early Lingo ($19.99): I’ve never tried any language DVD’s with my kids, so I’m not so sure about this. Has anyone used a language dvd with their toddler? Thoughts?
~Nature’s Bakery – Fig Bar – Whole Wheat Raspberry (N/A): I didn’t get any of these either. Boo. I LOVE these these and so does B. I mentioned that these were missing in my e-mail too, so I’ll update this as well.
All totaled I came up with a value of $40.96 for the August “World of Colors” bluum box. Had everything been included that was supposed to be included, this would have been one of my favorite bluum boxes ever! Even missing items I think it’s a great box, but the variances in themes from month to month still confuse me!
Did you get bluum this month? What’d you think? And what was your theme? And if you are interested in subscribing or want to learn more, click here.
Love your box! I’m sorry you didn’t get everything you were suppose to. A lot of people were disappointed in Bluum this month. I’m sure you know because it is posted all over fb groups. Either missing items, duplicate items, items the weren’t appropriate for the age/gender… And someone got 3 items. Last months box was amazing, I couldn’t have asked for a better one! This month, however, was lacking. I got one of the same items I got in last months. I emailed them about it & I’m curious of what they will say. I got diaper rash cream, baby eye wipes, a fig bar & a duplicate teether. But anyway… I’m not going to give up on them just yet though. Don’t mean to whine 🙂 btw, love your blog!
My theme was “Giggle Monster” (8 month old) and I was less than impressed. Mostly because there was really nothing that my son could use or play with. I got a sample of Baby Ecos Laundry Detergent, Happy Family Rice Cakes, RazABaby Snack Pack, DreamBaby Rainbow Outlet Plugs, Funktion Clutch, and a Luna Fiber Bar.
If there was a book or toy or something for my son, I would have been much happier. Also, the most expensive listed item in my box was the Funktion Clutch, but I found it to be of poor quality and I won’t be using it.
I was happy with my last box, so I hope to have better luck with future boxes. I also subscribe to Stock Stack and Citrus Lane and I liked them much better this month.
I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog! I read it every day, and am so glad that I discovered it. It’s such a fun mix of reviews/family updates.
I received a box for my 4 year old boy and he received “hair detangler” (once again he is a boy) and it had leaked all over everything! What a mess! It ruined the book for him, the box of tea bags, flu symptom medicine, and the cereal bars. Even wiping everything off didn’t help because it had all ready soaked into everything by the time it arrived at our home. I thought the box of things was suppose to be geared towards a 4 year old male, yet he received detangler, and tea bags for mom…
They do a lot of mom stuff some months. And tea. Ick!