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FabKids Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Like most everyone else, I received a FabKids coupon code in my August Citrus Lane box.  Basically you get a free outfit from FabKids, which is a monthly children’s clothing subscription service – all you need to do is pay shipping (it’s $4.95).  FabKids is typically $39.99/month and for that, you receive a complete outfit, including accessories delivered to your door.  Some people have mentioned it’s hard to cancel and while I can’t speak to that (I haven’t tried yet), I did use a prepaid debit card (I have a Stella & Dot one) to pay – just in case!

The Box

FabKids ships via FedEx Smart Post and took about a week to arrive?  It was about the norm for Smart Post.

First Look

While I knew what outfit I picked (I got one for L since the sizes start at 2T), I was anxious to check out the quality.  I’ve heard good things about their girls clothes, but boys clothes are new for them (I think they just launched the boys line in August) so I haven’t seen many reports.

Out of the Box

Everything came packaged just as it would had you made a purchase, from say, the GAP.  The quality looked nice as well and I knew right away I had to figure out a way to get L to try it on.  Oddly, 5 year old boys aren’t always down for trying on clothes to check on the fit ;). I succeeded though!

~Plaid Play Shirt: I would describe this as more of a dress shirt than a play shirt, but that’s just me.  I ordered the shirt in a 4/5 for L and it was a great fit. He’s 5 and normally wears a 5 (but can always wear a 4 sometimes), so I would say this was very true to size. I did have to roll up the sleeves so that he felt more comfortable in it, but I can’t blame him.

Plaid Play Shirt

~Orange Skinny Chino: While these are certainly bright (no doubt about that), I really like them and knew right away when I saw the outfits this would be the one for us.  In retrospect, I should have bought these for WB to wear when he’s 2 because I don’t know how often L will be into bright orange pants, but even if he wears them a few times, we’ll still be good.  I ordered these in a 5 and again, they were a great fit.

Orange Skinny Chino

~Woven Belt: Although L does have some, I’m not a huge fan of belts on little kids.  L can’t get a belt off by himself, so this wouldn’t be a good school item.  But it is cute I’ll say that!

Woven Belt

After a little swimming in the neighbors pool yesterday afternoon, L was more than happy to model his new outfit for me. I think he looks adorable and I am super happy with my pick. I’d rank the quality above Target and Children’s Place, but slightly below GAP.

On L

I totally feel like I got my money’s worth (all $4.95 of it) with this one and am quite happy with my outfit! I probably won’t subscribe on a monthly basis, but I don’t think I will cancel either. I will just skip months until I see something I am loving.

If you are interested in FabKids or want to learn more or just want to check out some of their outfits, click here.  If you are a new customer and sign up, you can get 50% off your first outfit, meaning you get your first outfit for only $19.99!  And if you picked an outfit with your Citrus Lane coupon code, which outfit did you get?  And what’d you think of the quality?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!