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A few weeks (maybe a month) ago GLOSSYBOX announced it was pairing up with Martha Stewart Living for a Summer Essentials box. It was only $15 (and I got $2.75 cash back through ebates so it was really only $12.25) and for that price, I couldn’t pass it up!
I was surprised to see how big the box was! It shipped via USPS and I have to admit, seeing that GLOSSYBOX logo made me anxious for my August box to arrive.
This was a fun box to open because it pulled out like a drawer. I get excited about the oddest things these days ;). The box came with a sort of information card, which included product information / entertaining ideas / summer picks. I didn’t take a picture of it (sorry), so you’ll have to take my word that it was cute. Here’s what the box included:
~6-Month Martha Stewart Living Magazine Subscription ($12): I am SO excited about this because my subscription recently ended. I love MSL and she comes up with the most amazing ideas. Oh and everyone is confused about how to redeem this and I totally get why now that I have the card. It’s just a subscription card that you’d find in a magazine that you bought at the newsstand. I hear that you just need to mail the card back in and everything is all set, but we’ll find out. I plan to write Glossybox / Summer Essentials on it, just to be sure. And if they try and bill me, I will report back.
~Olay 4-in-1 Daily Facial Cloths ($7.99): These are totally up my alley and I can’t wait to test them out. I am so lazy about washing my face at night (maybe because I stay up way too late) so I find products like this amazing.
~Pantene Pro-V Heat Potion Serum ($6.99): I don’t use a hair dryer too often in the summer, but in the winter I use one daily so this will be awesome. I am totally guilty of using the dryer on the hottest / higher setting possible, so I need this!
~Olay Complete All Day Moisturizer with Sunscreen ($7.99): I have a few sunscreen / moisturizer products in line in front of this one, but I do really want to test it out since it gets great reviews.
~The Pouch: I didn’t realize it, but the box also came with a cute little clear pouch! I like clear pouches for traveling so this is one bag I will use!
All totaled I came up with a value of $34.97 for the Martha Stewart Living Summer Essentials GLOSSYBOX. The website says it has a value of $50, but I am guessing that they used the newsstand price of MSL for six months where I just used half the price of an annual subscription. Considering that I only paid $12.25 for this box, I am quite pleased with it and can’t wait to get my first MSL!
Did you get the MSL Summer Essentials GLOSSYBOX? What’d you think? If you are interested in ordering, click here (just scroll down on the homepage and you’ll see a picture of the box). Or, if you want to get your box for $12.25 like I did, go through ebates(*) to get $2.75 cash back!
Very practical box. I use the Olay complete everyday. Its my base moisturizer and I love it.
As soon as I saw this advertized I went OMG GLOSSYBOX! MARTHA STEWART! $12! And there was no turning back. I wish I’d have actually paid attention to what was in the box because I don’t particularly need/ want any of it, haha. But I’ve always wanted a subscription to Martha Stewart Living so really this was just a discounted subscription with free goodies which is fine by me!
I was super bummed when the spoilers came out for this box. FIrst thing I thought was this is a P&G box wtih a Martha Stewart Living thrown in for good measure. I was right. On the little product card there is a “P&G” logo thingy on it. I am quite certain Martha doesn’t use any of these products b/c none of them are very earth or body friendly. I will be passing on my items. Well except for the sub, which I hope like heck they don’t try to charge me for. You win some and you lose some
I use the Olay moisturizer daily. I love it. It’s not too heavy but it does a great job.
Had anyone been able to figure out the subscription part? The card seems pretty clear that its $24 for a subscription and a gift subscription. I’d hate to mail it in and then get a bill in 6 weeks.
Any updates on how to redeem the Martha Stewart subscription?
Just got my box today!
My glossybox came and I am pretty happy with the gifts but I have not received a magazine and its already almost October! Has anyone else received one? I have had problems with Glossybox every month and customer service seems nice but the follow through is non-existent. I don’t want to cancel, I just want to receive the box monthly with items intact (not broken or omitted) and if they are not, at least be replaced 🙂
Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you handle it? Happy Friday!
I sent in the card, like many people! Here it is, February, 2014 and I am STILL getting billed by Martha Stewart living for the EXTRA subscription they put in for me. I sent back the very first billing statement with a cancellation request. I even briefly explained why. To no avail. I have gotten at least 2 more, each written canceled upon, then sent in. I finally went 0nline this evening, wrote them a small note of frustration and a final request for cancellation. At this time, they advise me that I will NOT get any further issues until I pay! Sigh. So, that was my experience with the Glossy Box, the Martha Stewart subscription card, and the double issues for the last 4 months. Oh, and by the way. Martha Stewart Living sent me THREE issues at once! I think they were Sept/Oct/Nov. But may have been a combo issue of 2 months, I can’t remember. I just know they didn’t start in the month I received them, but tried to give me some of my six month subscription by using back issues! Lame!
Ugh. I should have updated, but I kept getting bills too and was like WTF? When I called they said that the box shouldn’t even have included a subscription. I’m not even sure if they knew what they were talking about. I was so annoyed I just let it go.