Monday Morning Ramblings

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~If you haven’t guessed it by now, this weekend was BUSY! We had our garage sale (you can read the recap here) on Friday and Saturday and then basically just had a big day of fun yesterday (lunch at our favorite place, the mall, fro-yo, playing outside, etc.)! I’ll pay for it this week for sure because I have a million things to do (and we’ll be out of town next weekend), but it was totally worth it.

~I *thought* I didn’t have any boxes coming this week, but then I thought about it more and I realized I have Birchbox Man, Julep, The Homegrown Collective and Try The World for sure.  Plus, I am hoping for a Fancy Box (or two) to appear and surely some surprises will arrive right?  I also have a few reviews I am behind on, including MeUndies, Loot Crate, Crafter’s Crate, For the Makers and Goody Gorilla. And I thought it was going to be a slow box week!  Ha!!

~I got the subscription box list updated last night and added: A Local Taste (currently offers Boston foods and snacks), BlackBox from iVIP (the most expensive subscription box ever), Candy Japan (Japanese candy and snacks) , Goody Gorilla (food and snacks), Grover & Friends (men’s fashion), Mexican Candy Box (mexican candy and snacks), Nerd Block (epic geek gear), Kasten Pets (dog subscription), Saffron Rouge Inner Circle (organic beauty product samples), Unbound (adult -don’t open this at work ;)), Wantable Intimates (intimates) and watanut (healthy snacks and mixes).  I am sure I am missing a few, but you get the idea!

~I haven’t been able to watch the VMA’s yet (that’s what happens when you don’t have cable), but I hope to watch it tonight.  If you watched, tell me everything!  I’m not really really worried about anyone “spoiling” it because I don’t care who wins.  I am just interested in the performances.

the vmas
the vmas

~Is anyone else as excited for college football season as I am?  I am so ready for it!  Michigan State plays their first game on Friday night and while they are projected to be good this year, you really never know with them.  I need to look into getting tickets to a game this season.  I would love to go with B and L (WB would not enjoy that one bit).

~I think I mentioned it, but I sent a bag of clothes in to thredUP last week.  I didn’t take any pictures this time and I’m not even 100% sure what all I threw in there, so we’ll see.  I look forward to seeing how long this one takes to get processed.  Their blog says they are running a month behind, but will be including updates on where your bag is in the process and when you can expect it to to be completed, so that should be interesting to check out.  I also plan on sending in a bag to Twice this week and will report back on that.  For fun, I am sending the EXACT same black Splendid tee to both places.  Same color, same size, same condition.  Same everything.  I am SO anxious to see the difference in payouts on these!

~Since I am going to have to start getting up earlier beginning next week to take L to school, I’m going to attempt to go to bed by midnight every night from now on.  This is fairly early for me, but it’s got to happen.  Any tips?  I do really like morning tv, so I am sort of looking forward to it (sort of).

That’s it from here!  How was your weekend?  What do you have going on this week?  Any boxes coming??

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Erika

    I didn’t watch the VMAs last night but I woke up to a ton of Facebook statuses and tweets about Miley Cyrus’ performance. I watched the clip of it on YouTube and let’s just say that it was…interesting LOL

    Reviews Until You Drop

  2. Alison

    WAIT till you see Miley’s performance!

  3. Tiffany

    I still don’t understand how MTV can even have the VMAs when they don’t show videos anymore, but I did watch. You will have to update when you’ve seen Miley’s performance. I don’t know what else to say. Oh. Justin Timberlake is amazing.

    And we have season tickets to our college (University of Washington) so we are definitely looking forward to college football here.

  4. Jordan M

    For the sleeping change, i would suggest going to sleep super early one night if possible, around 9 pm or 10 pm. A drastic change like that will make it easier to go to bed at midnight for the next few nights. Its kind of like traveling to a different country, the best way is to stay awake immediately and go to their time, even though you may have been awake for 20+ hours already. If you aren’t looking for immediate change in time, then you come gradually change the time or at least say to yourself that you will be in bed at midnight, whether you are asleep or not.

  5. Leigh

    Just an FYI, when you get to the Miley Cyrus part of the VMA’s, make sure your kids are not in the room! I caught a clip online, and it was horrifyingly raunchy. Also, look for the shot of the (Will) Smith family looking super-shocked. It’s hilarious!

  6. Megan

    My first Julep box is coming!

  7. Elizabeth

    I have Birchbox Man coming this week. The box contents are up on their site – if it didn’t include the free year of Men’s Health, I’d be really disappointed in the contents of all the boxes. This months lifestyle items just don’t do it for me.

  8. Sabrina Foust

    I only watched the first part. Miley was horrid. Justin Timberlake and the NSYNC reunion were what it was all about. I am usually calm and all that but when NSYNC popped up, the 19 yr old fangirl from college came out in me. Ah, took me back to the good old days. I so wish they would tour.

  9. Evelyn Mejia

    Good luck with getting yourself to bed by midnight. Ha ha I’ve been planning on doing that for weeks. I guess eventually I’ll just pass out by 11pm as the school year goes but I will get used to it and start going to bed later again. :/

    I haven’t seen the entire VMA awards but did go see the clips everyone was talking about. Miley was already being made fun of before the show was over. So sad but it was just so wrong. I was cracking up by the faces of everyone watching her. Lol Justin was just AWESOME!!! 😀

  10. stephanie a

    How MTV can host video music awards show when they really don’t show videos is beyond me however on to the show…

    I personally thought it was not all that entertaining, yet I kept watching.

    …On to my opinions Lady Gaga had some creepy eyes going on during her performance (way to close-up for my liking). Miley Cyrus’ performance was horrifying, I’m still cringing just thinking about it and wondering just how proud Billy Ray must be. We get it your not Hannah Montana anymore but this was bad. Kanye West was unimpressive (I am not a huge fan of his so this could be why I feel this way). The highlight by far was Justin Timberlake! Fan of his music or not I think everyone was/is able to appreciate his performance. And it was long…like Super Bowl halftime long, a nice little montage. I didn’t watch all that much of the rest, however I did fast forward to Katy Perry because I love her so, although not in love with the new song. I wasn’t all that impressed by her performance…I think I was expecting more because of all the hype.

    I cant wait to hear your review of it when you watch…

    p.s. sorry for the short story!

  11. Ashley C.

    I didn’t watch the VMA’s either. Between Facebook, Twitter and blogging, I’ve heard enough of a play by play to get the gist, though. Like you, I mainly just watch for the performances [although the dresses from the pre-show are more my thing!] but I might have to catch some of it tonight when they re-run it before the new Teen Mom 3. Watching it via YouTube just isn’t the same!

  12. Mrs. L

    Didn’t watch. All I heard on the radio on the way to work though, was OMG Miley Cirus LOL. Did watch the N’SYNC clip…too dang short! I wanted more, like a full song. I love me some Joey and Lance (never was a Justin fan). But seriously the best part has to be the Wil Smith and family photo of them watching. Hilarious. Oh and the clothes. Loved Selena Gomez’s outfit though others didn’t. And Rihanna wore jeans and a t-shirt. Whaaaat???

  13. Rebecca Doud

    A Sparty fan!!! I don’t know if I continue to read your blog. JK I’m a Wolverine fan myself. At least your not a Buckeye fan.

  14. Susan

    Same thing, I didn’t watch the VMA’s, but heard all about the Miley train wreck on the radio on my way to work. Billy Ray must be proud.

    I’m not a night owl, so not sure what to tell you about getting up early. Unfortunately, in order to get home in time to get my girls off the bus, I go into work super early, so get up @ 4:30 every morning. It sucks, but I do what I have to. The bad part is, I can’t sleep in on the weekends anymore. The latest I can usually sleep is now about 5:30am. You basically just get used to it after awhile.

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