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Plated Review – 8.20.13 Delivery

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Plated Review - 8.20.13 DeliveryPlated Review - 8.20.13 Delivery
Plated Review – 8.20.13 Delivery

Last week was another Plated week around here! There was one recipe that totally wanted to try, which made the decision to get Plated instead of one of the other food boxes last week an easy one.

Plated Review - 8.20.13 DeliveryPlated Review - 8.20.13 Delivery
The Box

Plated typically delivers on Tuesdays, however, due to the holiday (Labor Day) next weeks deliveries will be on Wednesday. Plated ships via FedEx overnight and promises that the food will stay fresh and chilled just so long as you bring it inside and transfer it to the fridge by that evening.

Plated Review - 8.20.13 DeliveryPlated Review - 8.20.13 Delivery
First Look
Second First Look

Like always, I didn’t bring my box inside right away.  I like to let it sit on the porch just to see how long the items really do stay cool.  Don’t tell B, but I’ve left it outside until past 6-7pm.  And everything was still perfectly fresh.  And this is in the summer months!

I guess I should mention (since I never do) that Plated is a weekly meal subscription box service.  They don’t deliver in all areas (yet), but if they do, they deliver everything you need to cook a restaurant style meal, including meats and produce, right to your door.  You can pick your meals online or skip that week if you aren’t interested in the menu that week, will be out of town or just don’t want any meals that week.  It’s all done online, so it’s super easy!  Here’s what we picked this week:

~Pork Tenderloin with Watermelon, Mint, Feta and Cucumber Salad: This is the meal B and I wanted to try most!  The watermelon, mint, feta and cucumber salad had B and I super interested.  Sadly, it wasn’t, as good as, the avocado and feta salad from a few boxes ago, but it was good!  And the pork was delicious.  And just so you know, my picture of the meal does not do it justice.  I must have been in a hungry hurry because this isn’t a good shot!

Pork Tenderloin with Watermelon, Mint, Feta and Cucumber Salad – The Recipe
Pork Tenderloin with Watermelon, Mint, Feta and Cucumber Salad – The Ingredients
Pork Tenderloin with Watermelon, Mint, Feta and Cucumber Salad – The Results

~Apricot Chicken with Green Beans and Almonds: Left to our own devices, B and I just make plain grilled chicken.  Of course we do seasonings and it tastes great, but we’d never do apricot chicken without plated.  This was delicious and it will for sure be recreated.  For sure.  So yummy!!!!

Apricot Chicken with Green Beans and Almonds – The Recipe
Apricot Chicken with Green Beans and Almonds – The Ingredients
Apricot Chicken with Green Beans and Almonds – The Results

What do you think of Plated?  Did you get a box last week (or this week)?  What menu items did you pick??  Next week’s menu include: Citrus-Soy Chicken,  Herb Roasted Chicken, Grilled Steak Salad, Salmon with Lentils and Cod Escabeche.  I couldn’t decide, so I decided to go for three meals next week (I got both chickens and the steak).

If you are interested in giving it a try or want to learn more, click here to try two free plates (new customers only)!  Basically you’ll get 4 plates for the price of 2 ($30)!!  That’s 4 meals/plates for $30, which is less than $8/plate.  If you order in the next 4 days, you’ll get your box next Wednesday! We LOVE Plated and I always get sad if we don’t have a box coming!




Disclosure: This post contains referral links.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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