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I mentioned last week that I made a late night decision to order a Diapers Bundle from The Honest Company. Aren’t all the best decisions made at 3am? My diaper stockpile(*) is DONE and always love my Honest Company Essentials Bundles (I never blog about it, but I get a bundle about every 6 weeks) so I thought I might as well try the diapers one too.

The Honest Company ships via FedEx and took only a few days to arrive at my door. I gotta tell you, having diapers appear at my door is much easier than going to Target, where I can never JUST buy diapers. It’s diapers + slippers + trains + candles + whatever else.

The Honest Company Diapers Bundle is $79.95/month and includes 6 packs of diapers and 4 packs of wipes. I got Size 4 diapers, which have 31 diapers in a pack or 186 total diapers. They call it a monthly subscription, which means the assumption is that you’ll go through just over 6 diapers a day. I think WB uses more like 4-5, so it’s going to last us a bit longer than that.
While The Honest Company diapers are more expensive than my normal Pampers, I gotta say, they are 100x cuter. They have a ton of different designs you can pick from and you can mix and match patterns within our bundle. I went for three different prints in my bundle and totally love them all. They also have a plain white option if you aren’t feeling any of the available patterns.
Like I said before, Pampers are my favorite diapers, however, I will buy other brands if they are on sale. I just don’t like them as much. I am happy to report that the Honest Company ones are just quite comparable (well except Honest is eco-friendly) to Pampers and fit WB perfect. WB doesn’t have problems with rashes or allergies or leaks (I have had leaking problems with L either – no matter the diaper) and doesn’t have sensitive skin, so I speak to the Honest Company diapers fixing any of that. I just know that worked well, are beyond adorable and are super convenient. The wipes aren’t my favorite out there – I’d rank them after Pampers and the Target brand ones, but before Huggies.
So will I get the diapers again? Yes! I won’t get them evert month, but I can for sure see scheduling a bundle for times (like now) when my stockpile is low. You can go in right online and adjust your shipments, which makes it SO easy!
What do you think of the Honest Company’s products? Do you get the Diapers or the Essentials or the Health & Wellness Bundles? If not and you have always wanted to try one (or ALL) of them, today is your lucky day! Right now you can go to Honest.com and sign up to receive a free trial of their Essentials, Diaper or Health & Wellness Bundles! Or heck, opt for all three! You can use the code: “SHIP$RDZP85” to get free shipping on the bundles (it’s usually $5.95 for a trial), but you do need to remember to cancel within 7 days of receipt of the Free Trial or you will be billed for a monthly subscription. Expired.
Let me know if you decide to sign up and what bundles you pick! And if you are already a subscriber, what are some of your favorite items from The Honest Company? I love the dish soap, Body Wash / Shampoo (although I get this at Costco because it’s cheaper there), dishwasher pods, laundry pods and healing balm!
ETA: The Honest Company is also on zulily today,if you want to check them out there.