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Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

1.Remember how I needed advice about cleaning out stroller?  After I got fabulous tips (I ended using a magic eraser and oxy clean spray), I enlisted the boys to help and we got to work.  The boys good helpers those guys!

2. Baxter is also a good helper!  I had to put away some of WB’s laundry the other afternoon and he was NOT having it.  A quick visit with Baxter in his crib calmed him right now.  Baxter gave me a dirty look, but he took one nicely for the team.

3. We spend a good portion of our time outside these days hunting for butterflies.  It’s a big deal.  Even WB trys to get them!

4. Another day, another lunch!  Tuns out Jello is a huge hit!  I’m going to fancy up his jello for next week ;).

5. My mom watched WB one day this week and she texted me this picture of him.  Such a big boy eating his mac n cheese with a fork!

6. Aww, L.  The nursery rhyme show was yesterday and the kids did SO good!  They sang 7 songs and flat out nailed them all.  I wish they did these shows every month.  So entertaining!

7. Won’t be long until he’s really going across!  He tried to pull his body up over the top of the bar! I think he wanted to get up there and crawl across!

8. OMG.  I die.  L was in WB’s room when I was getting him ready for bed and offered to read WB a bedtime story.  Cutest thing ever.  WB never sits still for me.  But if L is there, he’s happy just to be sitting and talking to L!

9. I FINALLY got my Haute Look order from a few weeks ago and we are LOVING this reward chart from Melissa & Doug.  L is so into it.  And it’s all magnetic so it requires no cleaning or anything crazy.  I couldn’t be happier with it!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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