Thursdays Thoughts

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Thursday Thoughts

~First, things first. My allergies are killing me! They were awful this weekend, fine for a few days, and then hit again Tuesday night. I was so over it yesterday that I consulted with the Pharmacist at CVS on a suitable drug combo to fix this mess. I NEVER talk to the pharmacist, but I had already taken Zytrec and needed MORE of something. She hooked me up with some sudafed (which I had to sign for and promise that I wasn’t going to do anything illegal with) and thankfully it worked.

My new bestie.
My new bestie.

~While I was feeling miserable yesterday, WB and I indulged in a little self medicating at our local outdoor mall.  I figured I couldn’t feel worse, so why not get some shopping done!  After hitting up Sephora and getting some additional medication (i.e. caffeine) at Starbucks, I was actually feeling like a human again.  And then I went to the GAP and clearance was an additional 30% off.  All my allergy problems faded away!  I got the 7 pieces below for only $25!!!  It was a great morning with WB, followed by him taking an amazing nap ;).

My Haul
My Haul

~My goodness, I realized late last night that I had not announced / contacted the winner of the Corkcicle giveaway! It’s Karen Gon*****z!!  Congrats lady!  I will be e-mailing you soon!  And if you are waiting on a package from me, I am happy to report that everything has been shipped!

~I began the process of sorting through the boys clothes yesterday and now there’s no turning back.  I have piles of clothes (by size) all over the spare bedroom.  It’s a mess in there.  But I am hoping to get everything done in the next few weeks.  I’ve been finding clothes with spots on them and I can’t figure out for the life of me why I didn’t throw these out after whoever grew out of them.  My goal is to get every thing to fit nicely in the bins on the kids room and not have to worry about hoards of old clothes for a bit.

~Yesterday was picture day at L’s school and I cannot wait to see how they turned out.  He wore one of the shirts I got from thredUP and looked so handsome!  And speaking of thredUP, I sent them another bag last week which they received yesterday.  They are saying I should expect a payout on 10/16.  While it’s a long time from now, I don’t care because that stuff has been in my closet for ages anyway, so what’s another few weeks?  Also they send me a 20% off coupon code everything time I send in a bag, which is fabulous!!!

The Pic before the Pics!
The Pic before the Pics!

~In other news, I got a new nephew yesterday!  That makes 5 nephews and 1 niece for me.  B’s side of the family just does not seem to have girls.  B comes from a family of 6 and it was 5 boys in a row and then his sister came along.  And now B’s mom has 7 grandsons and 1 granddaughter!

~OMG I watched Breaking Bad a few nights ago.  OMG.  I don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t watched it yet, but I do need to talk to someone about this.  Do we think that the two people who were in the cars will now be working together?

~I’m not sure if any boxes are coming today, but I am still crossing my fingers that my Fall PopSugar box just appears.  Tracking still hasn’t updated, but I know it’s moving (every else’s are so mine should be too).  I have also gotten shipping notifications for Love with Food, Honest Co., Kiwi Crate, Birchbox and Beauty Box 5.  I though that my BB% subscription had expired, but I guess not.

That’s it for now!  What’s on your mind today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Tabitha

    OMG…Breaking Bad had me so nervous this week! My leg was shaking so bad as I watched. Only 3 more episodes to go…eek!

  2. jamie

    That is a great deal for all of that stuff at GAP! Well done.

  3. Laurah

    I got my Love With Food box the same day that the tracking info came (yesterday). Weirdly, I live in the same city as the company but my box went to NC before coming back to GA.
    Did you upgrade to deluxe?

  4. Kristen T

    I watched

  5. Kristen T

    Ok I don’t know what’s going on with my phone!

    I watched Breaking Bad too! Soooo crazy!!! I think they will have to work together now…

  6. Jenny

    Retail therapy is always the best. After my day yesterday I went to a upscale consignment sale this morning. It was 50% day so I really scored. Best boy selection I’ve seen in awhile which made me very happy.

  7. Erin

    OMG…did you see Jimmy Fallon’s Joking Bad??? I died!!!!

  8. Alice

    Hope you’re feeling better!! Maybe you should start considering allergy shots. My hubby just started on them. Today is his 2nd week. It’s a 5 year plan (lol) and it breaks down something like a shot a week for 6 months, then its once a month. This was really a last resort for him bc his allergies was interfering with his asthma and ever since we moved to the ‘burbs so much trees and shit arg…. so fingers crossed that it works. Breaking Bad was insane…holding my breath for the last 10 mins of the episode…. still rooting for Walt tho…. =) Hoping you’re have a groovy day! It’s about to pour here in Jersey! xo

  9. Ally

    Thank you for not revealing any spoilers with Breaking Bad!

    Also, my allergies have been killing me. I am terrible about taking meds… but I really should at this point. Why did you like Sudafed over Zyrtec?

  10. Brianna

    My allergies have me miserable as well! I will have to try that Sudafed as I’ve tried about everything else with no luck. 🙁 No fun!

  11. Rona Berry-Morin

    I haven’t been feeling well since Wednesday. Maybe something is going around.

  12. kim

    I randomly wandered into gap yesterday as well and was so excited to see an extra 30% off clearance. I spent 18$ and got my daughter 2 shirts, a cardigan, sunglasses, and a pack of 7 pairs of socks (which ended up 1.38!!). Of course I would have bought more but just about bought out the store the last sale so she already had most! Love some Gap clearance sales!

  13. Sudafed is the best-and it HAS to be the one you sign for. And Breaking Bad, OMG. Talk about cliff hanger. I can’t wait to see it next week. We always watch ours the next weekend, and it is so hard to avoid spoilers.

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