Tuesday’s Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~I’m sure I could turn to Pinterest for some ideas, however, you all are better so I am asking here!  I need some ideas on school lunches and snack ideas.  Mainly snack ideas.  L has to bring a healthy snack to school every day and I need some fun ideas.  I can’t do anything with nuts (for lunch or snack), so like apples and peanut butter would be out.  What do you do?  And how do you keep everything cold until lunch?

~Do you ever have such a good time somewhere that you don’t want to go back because you know nothing will ever compare?  I realize this may seem totally stupid, but there are some vacation spots, bars, etc. that I do not want to go back to. I just feel like nothing will ever be as great as that time, so I purposely don’t go back.  Crazy?  Or do you get it?

~How much involvement in your child’s school is too much? Is there such a thing?  I volunteered to be a room mom, but they also sent home a sign up sheet for classroom volunteers.  You can do 2x/week, weekly, every two weeks, monthly, etc.  Of course I want to help if his teacher needs it, but at the same time I feel like he needs to go to school and interact with and listen to other grown-ups without me RIGHT there.  Maybe I just need to see what the teacher really needs and how many other parents can volunteer?

~We are heading to Vegas soon(ish) and I need to think of some ways to keep WB entertained on the plane.  He’s fairly awful in the car, however, we’re all alone so just meh about it and tolerate it.  But I need to entertain this guy.  L was (and still is) easy to travel with.  He’d sleep, watch a few shows, have a snack and we’d be there.  But not WB!  Does anyone know if there is something I can attach to the back of the seat in front of us so he can watch an ipad?  He can’t hold one (he’ll toss it on the floor or press the home button 100x), so I need to rig it up somehow!

~With Fall TV starting back up, how do you need track of what you want to watch?  There are SO many shows I want to watch, but without a DVR I can’t tape them.  I can, however, find them somewhere, I just need to make sure I know what I am looking for.  Does anyone have an app they use for this?  Which one??

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Lindsay

    Check out Mommy Points – she has a big post with more links at the bottom with tips for traveling with kids. She is one of my favorite travel bloggers!


  2. sara

    If you use hulu for your shows you can add them to your favorite list and it’ll update automatically when there are new episodes. It works with the shows they offer….I’m pretty sure it works even if you use it for free, you just have to have to log in.
    The lunch you posted on IG today looked great! Better than the lunches I grew up with and that Erin takes to work now. :o) You’ll have to share the snacks you come up with.
    We travel on a plane with Mackenzie and a 5/6 month old in May….I’m already stressed out about it!

  3. Merissa

    I use Sidereel to keep up with all of my shows (there are way too many)! They have it as an app too!

  4. Jenny

    You are so much better then me I’ve already given up trying to be cute for snacks so he gets fruit and by his choice its usually grapes and strawberries. I ask but that is all he wants. Maybe he will get tired of it. LOL

    I totally get your going back problem. I have restaurants like that. I get something wonderful and then you go back and its not nearly as good. It really sucks too and I get so upset.

  5. Mary

    You could do almost like a mini lunchable snack. Some wheat crackers, a few slices of cheese and a slice of lunch meat. There are also all the basic just pieces of fruit or a bunch of grapes. Although that is a little boring. It is hard without nuts! Most of my go to snacks involve a nut of some sort.

  6. Krystal

    Look into Sun Butter…it’s okay to use that in nut free zones. Our preschool recommends it and says that the children think it is peanut butter.

  7. Mary-Kate

    We do cheese sticks and apple slices, apple slices with caramel dip, grapes and berries with yogurt, cheese and crackers, Quaker oat squares, goldfish. If you google nut-free school snacks, there are a bunch of lists with great ideas. My son has a nut allergy so we’ve done nut-free for years.

  8. Erin

    I totally understand what you mean about not wanting to go back to fun places again! My husband and I agree that going back to our honeymoon spot — St. Lucia, which was awesome, would not be the same a second time. We’ve said it about other places too. I get ya.

  9. Tasha

    Coming from a mom who would LOVE to be a class mom and volunteer more but can’t, I say if you’re able, do it! I so wish I could be a class mom or volunteer my time at my son’s school, but I’m just not able with work. I try to send things in when I can, but my physical time with him at school is very limited, he is just now starting school so you don’t have to worry about him not wanting you there or anything like that, I say do it while you can!

  10. christine

    I remember my mom volunteering in my school. I must say I loved it. I didn’t want to go to middle school cause she couldn’t volunteer anymore. Although she only helped in kindergarten. They teacher asked her every year to come back so I got to see her once in awhile. She only did one day a week. So I don’t think it distracted me to much.
    But I def recommend it.

  11. Diana Garza

    You could try turkey and cheese wraps, cold pasta with cheese cubes and turkey cubes, pack your own smoothie in a reusable pouch, crackers, fruits and quesadillas.
    Momables.com has tons and tons of ideas! I love her website!

  12. Rebecca

    As a teacher I think two times a week would be fine. Believe me teachers love the help, especially at the younger grades. I had a great one last year who would come in and just know what to do. The ones I have problems with are when they want to come in and talk to me about how their child is doing ( umm I’m like teaching now) or the ones that needed a lot of redirection ( common sense). Just don’t be the parent the leaves a student behind on a field trip to go to the bathroom. Child was lost for 10 minutes ( the news headlines were going through my head).

  13. Kristin P

    To keep items cold until lunch, I got myself a bento box and bag from here: http://www.laptoplunches.com/ and I adore it (for myself). I bought 2 of the ice packs and I place them under the bento box in the bag and it keeps everything in the box cold until lunch. I have this one, so it is easier to put the icepacks under the box. http://secure.laptoplunches.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=C810-Plum&eq=&Tp=

    I use the top part for things like crackers or fruit snacks in little pouches, things that don’t need to be cold.

  14. Yarikza Alexander

    Healthy lunch ideas…I pack baby carrots and I add a small container of fat free ranch dressing. How about celery with cream cheese and raisins, or fruit salad, I usually buy the things that you can freeze and place in adult lunch boxes…I freeze those and place them inside the kids lunch box.

    I used to volunteer only for field trips and field days because I wanted to give my children a sense of independence. I did not want my kids to depend on mama being always there for them…because in real life you can’t always be there with them.

  15. Deanna

    The GoGo pillow would be a nice option for your iPad in the car. It has other uses too. I saw the infomercial and was pretty impressed. http://www.gogopillow.com

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