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Friday Night Fun: Do your kids trick-or-treat?

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With Halloween around the corner, I’m curious, do you take your kids trick-or-treating? I’m talking just house to house trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. Nothing fancy. Just old school trick-or-treating? We totally do and most people around here go as well, but I know a lot of communities have parties or trunk-or-treating in places of trick-or-treating.

What does your family do? We’ll be at L’s school party on Halloween and then we’ll get to watch the Halloween parade at his school (I am so excited about this) and then it’ll be trick-or-treating time!  Since we don’t get a ton (we actually may not get any I have no idea) of kids at our house B and I both take the kids, but we always leave our porch light on and a big bowl of candy on the porch, just in case any kids come by.  If you get a lot trick-or-treaters, do you have one parent stay home and one take the kids?  And what are your kiddos being this year?  And if you don’t have kids, do you hand out candy?  And finally, why haven’t I watched Hocus Pocus yet this year???

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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