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Friday’s Letters

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Dear Nana and Papa, Thanks for watching the kids so B and I can go to Chicago alone. I told WB to be on his best behavior, but you know how that goes.

Dear B, You cannot hold your phone two inches from me and say “if I show you these pictures you can’t ask any questions”. Umm, it doesn’t work like that. Not at all. And umm, your pictures (from some boys night out) weren’t even that interesting. So there.

Dear Random Casino on the way to Chicago, I am going to try and talk B into stopping in for a “bathroom break”. Fingers crossed ;).

Dear L, Have a fabulous field trip today! I cannot wait to hear all about it AND all about your first ride on a school bus.

Dear Post Office, Please don’t have a line.  I’m begging you.

Dear Jen, Good luck this weekend on your marathon!!  Eeek!  You will do amazing and I cannot wait to hear a full report!

Dear Kim K, You did not really post that on Instagram did you?  No you didn’t.  Really? Really?  No, you didn’t.

Dear Boston Red Sox (or Socks like I originally had – lol), I hate your beards.  Hate them.

Dear Me, I’m thinking maybe you over scheduled for the weekend.  There is alot going in these next few days.  Hindsight is 20-20.

Dear WB, While I know you are super annoyed by this runny nose you have, take comfort in the fact that you will never become dehydrated due to your off the charts popsicle consumption.  #bananas

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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