Poll: How often do you wash your jeans?

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Okay, so I posted a link to a video of Tommy Hilfiger earlier in a week saying how he never washed his jeans and man did everyone have some opinions on that!  So for poll, I want to know how often you wash your jeans?  After every wear? Every few wears?  Once a month?  Never?

I was under the impression it was fairly normal to not wash your jeans after every wear, but maybe not??  But never?  That’s a little much for me.  I pretty much was jeans as needed.  If I dump food on them, wear them somewhere smelly (aka the casino), etc. I wash right away.  Or I will spot treat if it’s just an small little spot.  I really don’t love the feeling of newly washed jeans and hate the time it takes to get them back to being perfectly fitting again.

I am SUPER excited to see what happens with this poll and how everyone answers!  And while you are here, what’s your favorite jean brand?  Style?  DO tell!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Jordan M

    I am the same, I only wash when I have to. I hate the feeling of newly washed jeans because they always fell too tight to me, even though they fit fine. After wearing them for a day, they are broken in again, but it is that feeling of waking up early and trying to squeeze into tight newly washed jeans that gets me, ugh.

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t like that feeling at all!!!

  2. Norma

    I wash them every time I wear them because I need them to shrink to fit again.. Ha! I can’t find a style/brand of jeans that fits perfect ever since my last baby 6 years ago. Usually by nighttime my jeans are falling off but if i were to buy a size smaller I would have to squeeze into them and have a muffin top and that’s a no go. I’m interested to see everyone’s favorite brand. I’m willing to try anything 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I am interested too!!

  3. Jenny

    I say just as needed like you. I don’t normally dry my jeans in the dryer so they are always so crunchy when they are washed and line dried. I have had some jeans that seem to stretch too much so I’ve been know to put them in the dryer without washing just to shrink them back in. LOL 😉 Now my boys on the other hand get theirs washed almost everytime since they always seem to get soooooo dirty.

    1. Jennifer

      Oh my boys need to get washed every time. They are dirty within seconds!

  4. lisa d

    Levi 501. And my new fab JAG.

    1. Jennifer

      I will have to check them out!

  5. Dawn

    Actually, Tommy Hilfiger used to be my favorite brand. They always seemed to fit the right way. But now, I don’t really have a favorite brand. Just whatever fits. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Did you ever used to watch his daughter’s reality show? It was YEARS ago! He made an appearance a few times too.

      1. Dawn

        No, I never saw that show. I don’t even know if I know what TH looks like either. But I liked his jeans. 🙂

  6. Mary

    I wash my jeans maybe once a week. If they get dirty I’ll wash them sooner. Usually every week I have two pairs of jeans. One for work, and a pair for home. Working in a lab I don’t feel comfortable wearing jeans around that could potentially have chemicals on them (even if they don’t look like it) at home. So I usually wear sweatpants at home or my other pair of jeans. I have heard of only washing jeans once a year. I thought that was gross. My husband wanted to try that out… Levi has some jeans that are untreated denim, and you supposed to get them wet and let them dry on your body to make them fit you better. Then you don’t wash them and it is supposed to get natural wear marks that actually match your body. He wanted those. I was very grossed out. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      He should get those and report back. That sounds quite interesting. Do you just get in the shower with them on? I should make B try them!

  7. Jackie

    I totally febreze them if I can get away with it. But I wash every 3-4 wears, unless I wore them somewhere that made them smell too badly.

    1. Jennifer

      I forgot about the fabreze trick. I have used that one myself!


    I will probably get some negative comments, but I really don’t care. After the first washing after I buy them, my jeans never get washed. Yes…I said NEVER! I hate clean jeans but I love dirty jeans. I wear a pair of jeans for several days in a row and then I switch out and wear a different pair for a few days while the first pair airs out. Or I freeze them or febreeze them. It works out very well. My jeans don’t ever smell.

  9. Jaxson Fieval

    I also NEVER EVER wash my jeans! Can’t stand them clean! Won’t wear them clean except at the beginning. I don’t care how dirty they get, they never get washed under any circumstance.

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