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Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban MomRamblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~L gets to go up-north today!!! It’s only for the night, but L is super excited to see his favorite cousin and, of course, his Nana who has been up there all week! He is totally looking forward to it, but he does wish he could “sleep in” since it’s not a school day. I’m smiling because I think the entire house is now on the same page with our feelings of getting up early on the weekend!

The LThe L
The L

~It appears I don’t know how to use a calendar because B’s marathon is tomorrow, not today, which means we have a day of fun because B is so sore that he can’t even move. Yay!

~I’m going to the post office gas station today and will be getting lots of packages out.  And the best part is that WB doesn’t have to go with me (which likely makes both of us happy) and I won’t have to make 5 trips to get all my boxes inside.

~I should be getting a crazy number of boxes next week.  OMG it’s going to be bananas. And I can’t wait!

~I am plotting a super fun (at least I think so anyway) giveaway for November!!   Is it November yet?  Because I wish it were.

~The Tigers are in the ALCS and I am so excited for the game tonight.  And even more excited that it’s NOT on cable ;).  And totally random but my kids pediatrician looks like Justin Verlander.  Seriously.

The Tigers

~I have the best neighbors.  We are all on this little mission to figure a mystery going on in our hood.  Basically there’s a lady in a mini-van who leaves her car in our subdivision for HOURS at a time while she goes off with some guy who picks her up.  It’s all very secretive and odd because she gets in the backseat when he picks her up and when he drops her off at her car -if it’s dark out and he cuts the lights on his car.  Yet it’s not so secretive because her car sits out for hours in broad daylight and we all have seen both of them.  This is a huge topic of conversation and I hope someone eventually figures it out because I need to know.

~We still have 6 fish (including to fair fish) and I think it’s safe to say that they are survivors and will be with us for awhile.

~I have carved out some time today to work on the mess of kids clothes in the spare bedroom.  I smiling about this because I know I am going to sleep a lot better at night when that project is DONE!

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?  Any big plans for the weekend?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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