So What Wednesday

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I love that L had total control of what he can buy at lunch at school. Want to wait in that long line for an ice-cream treat(*) and then barely have any time to eat and come home starving? Go for it. He’ll figure it out one day ;).
~I almost chased down my substitute mailman yesterday to find out where all my boxes were.
~I so nervous watching the Tigers play.  Maybe if they’d start scoring I’d be less nervous.
~I found Buddy sitting at the door wall (outside) yesterday and had no clue how he got outside.  #sneaky.
~I am planning to make my first ever Plated meal tonight and I’m so nervous. It’s just soup, but still. (B usually makes them).
~I cannot seem to locate L’s class shirt that he needs to wear for his field trip on Friday.
~I have no nail polish on my toes right now and frankly it makes me so uncomfortable.
~Although I think that Bethenny is great, I just can’t get into the idea of her hosting a tv show. I want to love it.  But I don’t.
~I am going on an all out manhunt for WB’s favorite popsicles today. I’ve been to 5 stores. Nothing. Where are these things? WB needs them.  NOW.
~I randomly capitalize things to get my POINT across.

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

(*) Yeah, they have an ice-cream cart at lunch at school. WTF? We didn’t have this.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Cathy@Five Boys

    Totally stalking the Pop Sugar must have site for the Neiman Marcus box this morning. I will be so bummed if I miss out!! So What?!

  2. Catherine M

    This is what I do when I can’t find a particular flavor/brand of my favorite things. Go directly to the products website. Oftentimes they have a Where to Buy link. Just type in what you are looking for and your zip code and it will tell you where the nearest store is that is selling that exactly thing! Especially for Ice cream flavors. Good Luck

  3. Sue

    I never don’t have polish on my toes. For the first time in ages I have naked toenails and just this morning I was staring at them and felt like I was not completely put together!

    I also have to mention that we also have neighbors that are still lighting off fireworks. Seriously?!,!?

  4. Caitlin

    I am definitely not a fan of Bethanny’s show! She just irritates me.

  5. Jenny

    At least your only missing a shirt I seem to be missing totes of 2T winter clothes. LOL N was a 2T for almost two years and all I’ve found for C to wear are some summer clothes. I know there is more around here and I need to find them.

  6. Denise

    So what if I let the dogs lick the high chair tray sometimes after my daughter is done eating her food, I clean it after regardless might as well let the pups get a treat every once in a while 😉

  7. mary m

    I think we talked about this before, but our schools can’t sell any junk food type thing at the elementary level, middle school can buy some chex mix type things and some juice maybe? but not until 1/2 way thru lunch, and the high school sells stuff ala carte and has snacky options, but for instance you can’t get candy from the vending machine during certain time periods, and they don’t sell any soda.

    And you will totally rock the plated meal–isn’t that one of the reasons it’s great? good ingredients to go with good instructions to make a perfect meal? 🙂

  8. Jill

    LOL I don’t have any polish on my toes right now either and it’s driving me crazy! I thought I was the only one!

  9. Krista

    “~I have no nail polish on my toes right now and frankly it makes me so uncomfortable.” Me too…I now find myself constantly wearing socks so I don’t have to look at my naked toes.

  10. sara

    I feel the same way about Bethany tv show. I wanted to love it and just couldn’t get into it and have stopped watching it.

    1. Jennifer

      It’s just not amazing.

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